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Where the postings get posted
wow another complete blow off day. we had an assembly 1st, ate in rottos, colored in havelkas, did nothing in clarks, and then i had a test in becks. other than i failed the test most likely my morning was great. lunch was pepperoni pizza. i had kelsey's cheese like usual. shes so strange. the afternoon was a blow off too. i got to see how far i could reach behind me with my hands for gym. i got 7.5 and rueben got 8. everyone else got like 2 or 3 or even less. i didnt go to track today b/c im goin to my sis's swim meet. i have to go and set up. so i wont be home til tomorrow night. so if any of you need me or want to talk to me call my cell it will be on and i know that it has service up there so shout me a holla.
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well today i was extremely giddy. most of the day i couldnt stop laughing, and most of the stuff i was laughin at wasnt even funny. during history havelka yelled at chrissy b/c she wouldnt answer a question that was just asked. then chrissy flipped out. and then havelka yelled and just moved on. it was a trip let me tell you. then later i had health, and when there is no windows in a room and the door is shut and the lights are off, who isnt going to sleep. honestly. so i slept the entire period in health. the movie on xtc was soo boring. god oprah is a rich cow. well i laughed quite a lot during chem today with yourish. "i spy with my lil eye, something that is red and looks like a clown." and i didnt even listen to howells at all today. i was sooo lost. oh well. but yourish taught me so im good now. then at track i bypass krista on her way to get her leg wrapped. she was going to go and look sexy. and then when we were running in place for 2 mins brooks told me that she read my post from yesterday and thought it was good and it made her think that i sounded smart. she kept staring at me today so i yelled at her. and everytime i looked her direction she would be staring. can someone make her stop. honestly. then brucker and coons were argueing about taking 'roids. then she started to discuss about how if you do herion once you obviously wont do it again. then nellas yells from the track as hes running by "nick i hope that you take 10x the recommended dosage of steroids." it was really funny tho. then i tried to high jump, what a joke. i cant get over the 5ft line. i have to push the cord down just to get over it. well im going back to eating.
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Well natalie being the blog whore that she is, reminded me that i have to post just so that she can read what i write. well on monday sometime mid-day i developed a rash. Dont worry its not contagious. and its also not AIDS as smith suggested. so you can come up to me and lick me at any point and wont be infected (if that tickles your fancy of course.) well since i have had that i have been taking meds so that it doesnt itch, and the side effects of those meds are drowsiness. every keeps asking what is wrong with me. and that is just it, im tired. even mother mann commented on it. she asks me everyday what is wrong. glad that she cares but ive just been tired. recently a lot of ppl have been pissing me off so i just want to flip on them. i sound like meghann or kaylee right now and i know it. but honestly some ppl are really asses. i know that sometimes i can be one of them, but these ppl go above and beyond my level of ass-ness. the 40 day challenge is down to 3 ppl: ron, pete and me. even tho others in the challenge decided to vote me out of it just because of a minor technicality, (kla lying saying that i dropped out when i really didnt. so pat dropped out thinking that i did. and i also lied to pat so im just about as guilty as her, but the fact of the matter is... i didnt drop out. ron and pete even screwed pat over to make him lose. so i think that the top of the challenge is close to a game of (i hate to say it) survivor.) well since i have been medicated i have been sleeping a lot more so therefore i wont be on the net as much (good for some but bad for others). well i have hw to do as usual so im off to work on the exciting stuff.
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well, i figured id post agian to make up for my lack of postings. actually, i was just really bored. anyways, i acctually sorta started work on my blackjack game, i think it should work right an everything this time... i swear to god. anyways, now that i can put off mrs mann's report for another 2 weeks and do it the night before its due, im goin to try and finish my blackjack game fer good, then go an get my permit. and i think im gettin my dad to take me to the record exchange this weekend, they got cheap used games, and games are fun. speakin of games, ive realized that i have never completed a final fantasty game. never. so ive decided that since the ps2's in my room right now anyways, i might as well get on that. so i guess ill do blackjack programming by day, final fantasying by night, and then just guess on all my permit tests. maybe not. but whatever. im out. 'g night, folks.
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Today was once again boring. krista accused me of stalking. but then again who doesnt now-a-days. then i left school early and went to the dentist. i got my face numbed. it was uber exciting. well even now my mouth is still numb. i was soo bored at the dentist that i fell asleep when the lady was workin on me. i had to eat with my head sideways tonight just so that i didnt slobber or droll on myself. i had dinner at the empty bowls "rip-off" dinner. well off to do becks hw. this is the 4th day we have worked on the same hw assignment. i still dont get it. and we have a quiz tomorrow and i know im going to fail. oh well. off to the exciting world of trig.
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well i finished my research paper. 8 pgs. im so happy now. i still have trig and history to do but history will take 2 secs and ill just give up on trig b/c becks a retard. well im not going to track tomorrow b/c i have a dentist appt. so im sorry that you all are going to miss out on sped me jumping. well ill be there tues and ill be wearing my "pimp" shirt. (aka the long sleeves one) well krista is going to die w/o me there. and next to her rotting corps is going to be a nice warm apple pie. you know ill get hungry pokin her with a stick. well off to hw and then prob to bed early b/c i got up early.
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On Friday... I did nothing. Yesturday... I did nothing for the majority of the day, but then I went to my 'lil cousin's hockey game, it wasn't too bad. What really pissed me off was that there was no overtime! I was all "Smurf this, it's smurfing ghey." And then I went home and did 2 pages of my research paper. Today... I went to my uncles hockey game. It was teh r0x0rz! fights left and right! My Uncle and his friend walked off the ice because the reffs were so biased toward the other team. the ref said something to my Uncle, and he was all like "Fvck you! Go eat another doughnut." It dominated. When I got home, I watched some of the Nascar race, then I fell asleep for a good deal of it, and woke up for the end. Dale Jr Won... yippie.... And now I think I'm gonna do my research paper. Next week... I'm goin' down to Darlington South Carolina for a Nascar race. Should be awesome! 0 Comment(s)