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Where the postings get posted
Well today was another day of work. I got up close to the same time as yesterday. I was really tired because I couldn't fall asleep the previous night. I ended up sleeping the whole way to work. I had my cup of coffee then I was fine. I worked mostly in the mailroom today. I love it in there. There is a shitload of bubble wrap and foam peanuts. The people I work with are crazy. Today was Ted's last day. I think he didn't know what he was talking about yesterday when he told me that he was leaving. Well now I have to work with Rick the idiot. He is so stupid. He is in college and I know I am smarter than him. Mr Volkwein is really cool and he's really old. For some reason he was like semi-bragging today since I know how to run the mail meter in one day. He said that supposly that it takes college music majors at least 3 weeks to learn it. (They really only hire music majors.) Then Rick, Ted, Ken, and I all ordered out for lunch. Everyone but Ken split the pizza. Ken got a meat salad. Hes strange but awesome. Then the rest of the day went really fast. I got home then went and picked Trav up from work. I finally met Lauren. She's really strange. She just kept talking. She seriously never stopped. Then I took Trav back to his house where I learned about a new batch prog mason was working on. I edited a few things and even attempted to make a new one with my uber 1337 Basic programming skillz. Well needless to say it didn't work. So then I edited it so that it was close to a chatting program. Trav and I just chated on a windows prog all night. It was semi-fun. Well I have to go to bed soon so that I am not completely tired for work tomorrow. Cyah.
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I really do believe that everyone has given up on commenting on my postings. Let us hope not.
Well I went to Mason's house after I had dinner. I got to see the Media Room and I played Doom 3. Well I am going to bed soon because I have to work tomorrow. First, I am going to watch Graham Norton.
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Well today was my 1st student council meeting. I took carey because my dad figured out that there was a rock in my mom's brakes. So he just drove around the plan and it fell out. Now I didn't need to bum a ride from carey. Well I went there and was early. So we just sat in the library until everyone else came. Krista was late. It was about 5 after I think. I gave her the tisk tisk finger rub. We needed to elect officers and someone *cough cough* OLAR nominated me as secretary. I was so scared that I would win. I made sure that I voted against myself. Thank god I didn't win though. I have terrible penmanship. Then Kate O'Toole ended up winning, so good for her. Then I got to sign up for Open House and Freshman Orrientation (sp?). After that I went back to Carey's and she decided to call a meeting for the float. (By the way our homecoming theme is Time Warp. My class gets the 60's.) So we called everyone and went to get food at the new Giant Eagle. I was so excited to be there. Once again I got more free samples. Then we left and took my sis home. I went back down to Carey's for the meeting. We decided on what we wanted to do then the remaining members went to Walmart, Shop 'n Save, and JoAnn Fabrics. We needed to pick up some supplies. Then Angie drove us back to Carey's. It was so awesome though for Angie to drive. I hate to drive everyone, everywhere. Then the remaining people left now and it was just Carey and me. We went back inside to finish our movie. Oh ya the movie was "13 Going On 30." I just got home and now I have to go to bed because I start work tomorrow. I hope I enjoy this job, and for some reason I am actually excited to start working.
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I am testing the new Quick Edit Comments right now so there is no purpose to this posting but that.
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Well I am glad that it works. It is only for my benefit and only mine. I think that only the posters on my blog can see it and only admins can edit all. I think so but I am just not so sure.
well i forgot to post yesterday, so i will post that now.
i woke up late after lori tried to get me up multiple times. we were going to go to the new giant eagle. we decided to stop at benkes to look for a new car for my dad 1st. then we went to the new giant eagle. it was soo cool. there was free samples everywhere. i saw bonnie (rays mom), meghan dugan, and mrs shipley there. i got to talk to all of them. i havent seen meg in awhile and it was nice to see a famillar face. then after getting lost and trying to find the bread lori and i left and went home. then not too long after that tomnay IMed me and asked me for assistance on formatting his hd so i just sent him a link or two then just trucked it on over. matt ended up leaving and i just stayed and watched scary movie 2 with chris. then matt came back with brian and josh and everyone was soaked. i thought it was raining but they just swam. then matt invited angie over and it was about time for me to leave. so she got there i left about 20 mins after that. i also played aoe with mason and jon. it was awesome. i ended up going to sleep at 530. now for today. well my dad came in my room at 9 and started yelling b/c i wasnt up yet. then he started to yell at my sis to get up. i was thoroughly pissed if you would imagine. so i showered and got dressed and then we went over to get my work permit. when i got there i found out mrs oliver was in so i went over there with britt and bs'ed for awhile. then bill came back over and i turned my paperwork in. i got my blue card and now i am legal to work. then we came home and britt wanted to go to the mall to get her shoes. i really didnt want to so i just stayed home. after awhile i got bored and just called mark to see if he would be home. well he was. so i trucked it on over there. we watched 2 episodes of fresh prince then 2 episodes of made. then the time came for mark to go and get mike. so i left and called krista. she was also home as expected. so i went over there. i sat in her living room with her and just chatted until lori(hers not mine) brought us ice cream. kristas sis had a friend over and i found out that krista doesnt like her at all. krista was a good girl though and didnt spaz out. i almost fell asleep on her couch. then we moved to her room. i layed on her bed and got aquainted with James P. Sullivan and Tony. i was getting a lil drowsy on her bed too. then lori came in with a chess game. we dont know where she got it or where the box was. so we decided to play. in the middle brooks called and wanted to talk but krista didnt want a call on her cell so i had to tell her to call the home. brooks did then it got d/ced. so i hung up the phone and held it b/c krista wanted to call her back. well she won and ended up calling her back. brooks wasnt planning on calling us back. so then brooks had to go and we finished our game. well mostly at least. krista had to leave for soccer so i called it a draw but since i had captured more pieces she said i won. then she got ready for soccer and i left. i called pat and went over there. i stayed for a bit then diane came home and i looked at the clock and i had to go. i came home and made dinner then went back over pats. then after awhile pat and i decided to go to the cancillas b/c mark told me that he was working but mike was done with band (thats why mark left in the 1st place). well we got to the house and mike was still somehow at band. so we ended up going to mesinnas to meet cole, hepler, and nate. then after they were done eating their wings they decided to go to wendys. so we drove over there and mike went through the drive-thru when we were planning on going in. so we just went in and they parked. we sat inside and ate then left. we drove to gr on the way home and stopped at ashleys house to chat for a sec or two. then we were off again and went to pats house. we all parked our cars and just stood outside. mike decided to leave b/c he had to be home and nate wanted to go home b/c he had stuff to do. so chris and pat just walked home and i took nate home. that was my day in CR. it was awesome. CR >>> GR 1 Comment(s) Oh jon. That is summarized.
I woke up around 12, (I always do) and did the usual bathroom routine. I went downstairs just to see that my mom left me a note to mow the lawn (Oh happy day) So I went out, and did the deed. Came back inside and took a shower, and then a nap soon followed. I woke up around 2 hours later, and decided to take a trip to a place that existed a Long Time ago in a galaxy far far away...(I played Jedi Knight) Anywyas... after that I got back on the computer and got a friend to send me the Modest Mouse CD - Good news for people that love bad news. So I'm listenin' to that right now. 0 Comment(s)