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Where the postings get posted
again today i went to north park with father. we had to plant some stuff this time. god i hate having to go out in the sun. ive said it before and ill say it again. i like my skin white and pastey. then i had to pour furtilizer on the stuff we planted and there was this one black kid there and he asked me why i was pourin Kool-Aid on it. i just laughed at him. he looked mighty thirsty too. oh well. since that took all morning i shall be going to camp the rest of tonight. oh my is it going to be exciting. i seriously hate going to camp. another summer of hell. if you would like to make my summer less hell-like you can come along for the ride. i promise there is no manual labor involvued. chris tomnay did all of it for us last yr. thanks chris.
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today i had soo much fun. well we got to school and noticed that someone like took off with benkes clock. he had no idea where it went. then we got on the bus and went onward to denny's. since brooks just had to sprint in we all hustled in behind. we sat down 1st at a big table so that justin, kayla, krista, jess, brooks, and me could all fit. we ordered 1st and got our food 1st also. i got an All-American Grand Slam. ohhhh it was sooo good. krista being the girl with the most pressure upon herself just had to order the same as me. (she secretly wants to be as cool as Brian The Great.) so i ate all of my food and krista ate almost nothing. thank god for kla b/c she ate a lil bit of everyones food. she ate like 2x more than anyone there. and seriously there were middle school girls there gettin ice cream at 9 o'clock in the morning. honestly who does that. it was breakfast time not dessert. they didnt even get a meal. oh well. then brooks went the bathroom and came back and announced that she found the money that she lost before. it was in her underwear and she found it when she went to pull down her undies. then since brooks was wearing a skirt she didnt want to get it dirty so she sat on her ass not even her skirt. then when she went to stand up she had crumbs all over it. everyone then departed back to the bus where somehow 2 rocks appeared on the bus. (somebody must have stolen them. whoever you are, and you know who you are, your gay. ;) .) then we went downtown and justin pointed out to me the place o' porn. and what a sight it was too. 25 cents to sit in a booth probably covered head-to-toe in jizz. then mrs talliani told us that if we have cell phones, even though we should not, please stoe them away. so while inside the theater kla sent me a txt message from about 5 ft away. so i went to reply and mrs talliani took my cell and said that she would keep it. i told her that she was very considerate and thanked her for it. idt that she likes me anymore. the ballet was really boring. i couldnt stay awake during the 1st performance. then we watched what we went to see, "A Mid-Summer Nights Dream." it was also hard to stay awake but this was a bit more entertaining also. so after waking up from that we reboarded the bus and went on our journey home. the girls were taking pics of themselves with kla's cam. mrs talliani didnt like that one bit. i think she might be a bit sexist, b/c she took a guys cell but not a girls. what can you do? then i went to 9th pd and it was a breeze. we had sommers and we all just sat there. then i went to track where joey catenese and coons both brought food and it was mmm mmmm. then i came home took a shower then shipped off to pick up downs' bro, kay, and katie. those 3 and my sis and i all went to the middle school talent show. there was literally 3 maybe 4 acts that were even good out of the 22 that were there. miss jaros sucks at makin jokes and puns were terrible. but other than listening to shit for 3 hrs i had an awesome day.
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well i was busy last night so i didnt post. plus i was sleeping most of it too. well yesterday in food prep we were makin ice cream and since krissy wasnt there, rotto put us with a gal from beattie. all she had to do was crush the cookies then leave, but she bitched and complained about how we didnt know what we are doing. she did this the entire pd. pete and i were spazzing out on her b/c she seriously did not have to be a sped about it. and if she asks for any of the ice cream today im just going to yel "hell no" and tell her to leave. its not like we needed her either b/c when krissy isnt here we just work by ourselves. oh well. havelka spelled so many things wrong yesterday it wasnt even funny. then mrs beck commented me on my programming. she was 1/2 happy that i made it and disgruntled that i wont have to do it long-hand like her. i got my research paper back yesterday. i got 212/220. i was soo happy. by the way, that is 96%. then once again there was an uprising in howells room. she loves it tho. some of the ppl in that room are just soooo stupid. well i had to make this an abbr. posting b/c i have to get ready for school and not be late to pick up care. so cyah.
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well today not much happened at all. track was inside b/c once again it was terrible out. today was a bit more challenging tho. we had t do stations not just the usual no-work with coons. then i went and got my tux with my family. i came home and made my prog for trig better. it is debugged now and should work fine. HA. see if im going to fail becks class now!
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well today i woke up early b/c once again my dad was in my room on my computer. i guess its ok now-a-days to walk in ppl's rooms and just turn on the light and start keyin away. so i just got up. then i got a lil nudey and took a shower. got ready for track then went. it was pouring down rain and really cold. i hated it sooo much. on the brighter side of things i tied my personal best in long jump. for some reason i think that i perform better in freak conditions. i guess that would make me a freak. oh well. i came home and took a bath. yes, i did say bath. i havent taken one of these since like 5th grade. and let me tell ya it was nice and relaxing. krista asked if there were bubbles and im sorry to say there wasnt. but afterwards i could feel all of my limbs. well i posted b/c i was bored and since im done im bored again.
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Happy Easter All! i had to wake up early today just to go to church. i saw ben portz and the cancillas. i havent seen these folks in quite some time. so i chatted it up with them after i danced in the back with my sister. (the music was playin and we couldnt resist the calling of the music.) then i came home from church and changed my clothes to get ready for my grand-ma-ma's(thats what my mom wants me to call my gram when i was a youngin). after i changed i had to go and find my basket b/c lori is ghey and hid it from me and my sis. i got MINI MILANOS. omg i was soo happy. and then i got Matrix Revolutions and the 3rd Season of Family Guy. then lori i guess just threw in some candy b/c she knows that me and my sis wont eat it. i guess its mostly for her. then i went to my grams and slept. i always sleep when i go there. its more like tradition then me being lazy. i just go and get a blanket and snuggle up on the couch. lori always yells at me b/c i dont spend time with gram, but then gram says that is ok and at least im keepin myself busy. there is seriously nothing to do there except gab with the women. then i came home and that is where i am now. well everyone that is going on the disney trip, enjoy and you better have good stories to tell me when you get back. see y'all. (had to throw a bit of hick in there.)
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