Hey everyone. Today has been an interesting day here in New Jersey. Everyone in this state is insane, they all make u-turns in the middle of intersections, and if there is a line of cars at a red light, they all just go into the parking lane on the side of the road and just gas it through the light. My dad decided that he should start driving like a new jersian just so it looked like we fit in. Then my dad went fishing at the beach, so Trav an I just went to the arcade. I got bored though, because the whole thing was just newer shooting games. But I did find a Ms. Pacman to play for awhile. Then I went to play Cruisn' World and some azn kid sat was racing me, then I lost by about 5 seconds. :( then we came home and had taco's, and that's about it so far. meh.
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well this morning i went to bed after 6. i was up all night talkin to devin and watchin ebaumsworld vids. they are really funny. well today i woke up at 2 pm. then bill came home and we went out to eat and pick up pics and my scripts for monday. then bill and i saw that my battery light was on. and it means that my alternator is messed up so i have to get it checked b/c it might not turn back on next time. (according to Saturn's manual) so we just came home. then i was suppose to go back out to run errands with olar but then she called back and said her mom is being gay so she couldnt take me. so i got really bored and called carey. i went and watch 1/2 of along came polly and then the haunted mansion. they both were good movies. but the women in the mittermeier didnt care for either movie. well then i came home and logged onto linux and did a few things and now im back to shitty windows. oh well. im going to bed b/c i have to get up at 7 to be ready for an exciting day with jess and kirsta. then we are going to relay for life and hookin up with some other amigos. well night.
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well today i really tried to break-in my dsl. i dled quite a few family guy and futurama episodes. i watched them all afternoon. i really enjoyed myself. oh and earlier this morning i got my redhat linux up and running. i had it installed a long time ago, but now i can get on the net thanks to my dsl. so i was surfin the web and chattin with folks. so today i enjoyed myself. and tonight i plan on talking to ppl and watchin more episodes. GO ME!
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Well, today I was supposed to finally go an get my permit thingy, but then we went and found out that the tests end at 1:45, which kinda sucks because nobody is home at my house from 11-3, and I really don't feel like getting up any earlier. So anyways, now next tues. I'm going to have to get up at some ungodly hour of the morning and go take some test. bleh. As far as today's achievements go, I made a nifty program of Russian Roulette for the computer, you have a 1 in 6 chances of having your hard drive deleted. hhmmmm thats about it.
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well today i got my dsl finally. its soo awesome. i already downloaded a few pirated songs and i got knoppix for mason and i. all i got from him was that it was crazy. i hope that it is good. i havent had time to look at it yet. well tonight i went to a shindig at serenas. i took shane l. and chris c. i gave carey a bloody nose and just laughed the whole time at her. we got in trouble for jumpin from the tramp to the pool. then shane actually started the fire, even though it was during a downpour. it was quite amazing. then we went inside and played imaginif. it was strange. i think we just made up the rules as we went. when i was about to leave carey found a card that stated "which quote would you be?" one of the quotes was "'Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick.' Teddy Roosevelt." i thought carey was going to die. she couldnt stop laughin. good times in havelkas. then i took the backroads home from the party to take shane home. justin had no idea where we were or what was going on. then i took justin and chris home. now im sittin here and talkin to jon about how IE screws everyone over by leavin shit on your comp for no reason.
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Well my summer has been going pretty smooth and ive been enjoying myself... Today jerry imed me and told me his parents think i was the one the smashed their mailbox..WTF, o well i dont care really.. I finally got my permit like last week and get my sisters old car to "tinker" around with,"as my dad would say." My dad likes driving that car even though its shitty enough to send to PIMP my RIDE; i think it makes him feel young or something.. Next week i start summer school and have to go to class 5 days a week for 5 hours a day, so i plan on living this last week with lots of fun... Well im going to get a shower then going to bed..
peace! :-)
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well today i finally cleaned my room. its not that it was gettin bad but everyone in my family just dumps garbage in here. so i started throwin everything away. i can see my entire floor. i am now quite happy. then the UPS man came and i got my dsl modem. hell ya. krista called me from gettysburg. i got to talk to alyssa woz too. it was quite nice of them to call. then lori brought chinese home. while eatin i watched Wet Hot American Summer with britt. im so proud of her. she got most of the jokes. then i went with slean to walmart to get food for relay for life. lori took the 2 of us out without a complaint. what a great woman. the 3 of us split a box of swoops. they were too chocolatey for lori and i. idk what jess thought of them. she never really said. well then i got home and tried to install norton 2004 and it got all screwed up. so i just uninstalled it. now back to 2003. then i went with yourish to nates house. we watched the bball game and i played darts against myself. then i brought her home. and now that im home i installed the dsl modem and then put the phone filters on all of them except the one in my folks' room and the wall-mounted one. so just something for me to do tomorrow. night.
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Hi. I haven't posted in a while.
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well today i went to the oral surgeon. he just talked to me then i left. well then we went to the mall to the bath and body works semi-annual sale. bill and i discussed how b&bw is assembling armys to take over the world. so we refused to have a sample b/c we knew that it would warp our minds. then we ate in the food court. Free Burbon Chicken anyone? then i got home and slept. then my cell rang and it was carey. she wanted me to attend a shindig later tonight. so i told her i would go and then she kept pushin me to go. god women these days. i got ready for my 1st day at swim. i went and saw jess mann there. she goes b/c of her sis. too bad she doesnt swim. i would have sooooo much fun. i seriously had the worst time ever. i never like to quit things but this time im makin an exception. so i decided im not doing it. i have had 2nd doubts about my decision but then i thought about how i am filling my junior yr full of extra-curricular activites. slean and i decided that we are joining so much stuff. then i finally got to leave and go to careys shindig. i got there and carey, anne and me were listening to oldies and just dancin around. then mother mitt just made fun of me. but ill get her back one day. just you wait. so then serena got there and she attempted to dive for the frisbee and she fell out. but it was good she was on the ground or it would be considered public indecent exposure. well then the rest of the night went well. we played football in the dark with careys light up ball. then i guess sometime we decided to play smear the queer. so carey and i just started tacklin each other. most of the time tho neither of us had the ball. well then 1030 came and after a phone call to lori i still had to go. so i walked home and called jess mann. we just talked about how crazy this one kid is at swim. he just does handstands the whole time. then now im here so that was my day. i hope you enjoyed.
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well carey told me to post so i am. and now she keeps im me. so she is diverting me from my work. stupid bia. well w/e. today i worked on my hangman program that is for my calc. well it is going quite well. i like being a nerd. then i went cruisin with mason. we went to wendys, the library, blockbuster, kristas, joshs, my house, then manns. it was a good day. so then later chris asked me to come and play cards. it was a good few hands. then everyone just stopped. kay and i went to the tramp and played add-on. we had 10 actions a piece. well i finally got over my fear of doing flips on trampolines. i cant land them but i do, do them. so that made me really happy. and even when i screwed up kaylee said good job and was there for moral purposes. and i did the same for her too. so it all worked out. then i took kay home and we listened to my radio then we just chatted. well now that im done i hope that everyone enjoyed this post. i would just like to add one thing and say carey is gay for being a baby and not IMin neal. thats all i have to say.
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