My Awesome Super Cool Schedule: Homeroom - 204, Rodgers (??) 1 - Chem, Howells 2 - Rotation 3 - Physics, Shibs 4 - Calc BC, Deluca 5 - Programming, Spence 6 - English, Nellas 7 - Lunch (Shittiest Lunch Ever) 8 - French, Slomkow 9 - Gov't, Lesko
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I was surfing the web this evening, and I found this really good quote. I liked it so much that I am allowing others to read it..."Did you know that if you play a Windows XP CD backwards, you will hear the voice of Satan? That's nothing! If you play it forward, it'll install Windows XP."
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Right now I am manning the phones. Just a note to myself.. I need to have an AIM Express link/shortcut so that I don't need to go all the way to AIM to find it. I should probably integrate the coral cache system into it. Bess might then ignore it. I'm just not too sure. I was thinking of ways to update my blog design. I'm thinking more like a navagation link system on the left and the archives on the right. I think that might look okay. I'm not too sure at the moment. Regardless, I am going to have my links on the left. I do need to do a few things to this site. It has just become so boring. I would like to thank Josh once again for making the banner that I currently have. I probably need to employ him to make me another one, once I change the layout and design the new blog. Lots of good things are being planned for this blog. I really hope that it turns out well. I also hope that you have enjoyed your stay here at my blog and have been enjoying yourself reading my super exciting life.
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I went to EnP with Haschke and Tomnay last night. It was quite fun. We saw the Lengles and their friends. Wow they were so funny. Our table didn't even need to have a conversation. I had three cups of coffee. I didn't think i used that much sugar, but by the end the sugar container was almost empty. Tomnay counted the bags of sugar, and I averaged five bags per cup. I just don't like coffee. Everyone says how good EnP's coffee is and I just wanted to try some. I actually used to drink coffee at work, so it wasn't much of a leap from before. I did some html editing today on the blog. I removed all the other posters, since they haven't posted in like forever. I'm just a bit busy to lookup when they last posted. Mason said it was okay. I left the links the same though. I want to reformat my website though. I need to make it cool. I am thinking of a blue and red color scheme or something with blue. Well I have to finish getting ready for the formatting of the hard drive today. Mason is coming to assist me and I'm so excited. Well I'm off. Thank again everyone.
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