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Well work was normally boring, but since it snowed a whole hell of a lot almost no one came. It was really nice. I got to rearrange a dept. The woman in charge of that dept. wasn't there, but when she comes in on Monday, she is going to flip. Oh well. They also rearranged the entire front display in the store. It was nice. Well I have to find something to do tonight. Cyah.
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Well tonight I did nothing at all. I called a friend, but he left and went to his grandmas. So I just stayed home and slept. Nothing really happened. Night!
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My Thoughts of the Year:
Physics brings out the real you. It may either be good or bad. Most people turn to complete assholes once they walk through that door, but then they turn back after they step out. Some though become assholes and never change back. I take my hat off to these people for being complete idiots and deserve to rot in the slums of Deer Lakes. 0 Comment(s)
Well today was the Bayer meeting at my house. It seemed to go over well. I have to type some stuff up and then research a bit. I then went to get my hair cut. When signing in I noticed Pat's name 2 lines above mine. I was like "hot damn Pat said he was going to get his cut." After I was done, I called Pat, but he didn't answer. I then called Nate because usually Pat is with Nate. Nate said that they were sitting at Wendys. So I turned around and drove back. We sat and talked and then left. We went all went home, and then I drove over to Nate's. Nate got a call and I decided to leave. I went down to the Can Cans. It was quite fun. We just sat and watched tv mostly. Then I left and came home to get ready for another meeting tonight. I had to go to a school board meeting. It wasn't as bad as expected. I actually enjoyed it. Clint and I had to read some stuff to the board. That part wasn't fun, but it had to be done. I just got home. Now I am off to surf the information superhighway. Later.
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So you are saying if I just listed it. It would be better?
Work wasn't that bad yesterday. I ended up doing mostly mindless work. I enjoyed it. I prefer it over thought provoking. I then came home and got my stuff together for the Halo2 Lan party. I went and picked up Josh then headed over. I got there and started setting everything up. It was quite a lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Tomnay and I ended up playing NCAA 2005. I only played it once before at my house. I lost 26-0. Now that we were both playing, we won by quite a margin. It was a great win by Matt mostly. I did learn the keys and what to do. Maybe next time I will win on my own. After we finished like 2 or 3 games it was time for bed. We didn't go to be until around 6. I remember my cell phone alarm going off since I didn't shut it off from work that morning. (The alarm is set to 5:45 so that I can get up for work and school.) I ended up getting the shaft pertaining to blankets. I got the one that was just a decoration. It was really cold all night. I finally got up, and two of the members were already awake so they let me have the heavy duty blanket to sleep with. I believe that I slept until about noon. We just sat around and played more Halo2 until about 5. Now I am home, and I have to find out what I am doing tonight.
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