I just found one of the greatest quotes for one of my favorite TV Shows. I just hope that everyone will be able to guess which show that is...
Male: If things do get too rough, we'll have a control word. If one of us says it, the other backs off immediately. Female: Okay. So what's our control word? Male: Well, lately I've been using "Philadelphia". What's wrong? Female: Well, it's just that my Aunt Fern lives in Philadelphia, and I don't want to be thinking about her while I'm spanking you with a leather strap. Male: Okay. Fine. You pick a control word. Female: Um, how about "Boise"? Male: "Boise"? Female: What's the matter with "Boise"? Male: We're going to be doing psychological role playing here, Female, and a funny word like "Boise" would ruin the mood. We need something that sounds serious. Female: Hmm. [sombre tone] How about "Palestine"? Male: "Boise" will be just fine.
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I am really proud of Mason for purchasing his own domain. His blog can be found here. I would also like to point out that AK brought to my attention that my postings usually start with "Well." I would like to respond to her and say that this one begins with "I." So she can suck on 'em. Click here to let her know how I feel.
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