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so today i went to my sisters jo swim meet. it was bad but she did better than last time. she is doing really good. then i came home and watched tv. i have watched I Love The 90's. its a good show. i suggest it to watch it. then i played a lil hl b/c i was bored. yay south park Bigger Longer Uncut is on right now. and cartman is singin about kyles mom being a bitch. good for him. well im going to bed sometime b/c i was up early for britt. night all.
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hey folks. well yesterday i just sat at home and did nothing at all. i just showered and put on my boxers and that was as dressed as i got. once again jess mann is right to say that i am Boo Radley. ya then today i went to the eye doctors and found out i could have an allergic reaction to my contacts. who knew?? well then lori, britt and i went to the mall. i got 2 pairs of shorts and britt got like 3 whole outfits. now i am just sittin at home surfing the Explicit Illusions Forum. and i posted a few times. my post count is really going up. sign up and post if you choose to. well idk what im doing tonight. prob nothing again. which means ill be on linux attempting to enjoy myself.
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hell ya josh. mason got it working. anyone else can leave a post too. just leave your name when you do so that someone else doesnt steal your thunder.
well i had yb and it wasnt that bad. craig let us order hoagies. they were really good. i enjoyed it thoroughly. then i came home at like 6 and then talked to carey and went down to see her car and talk to her about vaca. she seemed to have a great time and sooo many stories. then we went over to cullens house and wow his folks are really funny. he is too tho dont get me wrong. the rain started to come down so i got back in my car and drove back home. i sat on here and talked to some of josh's friends, josh, and mason. now im going to bed and tomorrow lori and britt are going to my aunts to ride horses. i chose to stay home so ill prob be chillin on here. i have rode them enough in my life it never really changes. well night.
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well yesterday lori forced me to go to my aunts to swim b/c she was havin my cuz (erin. shes the 25 yr old from before) and her children over. so i went and it wasnt bad. the adults drank as per usual. oh well. then the lil kids wanted to have chicken fights. so obviously i was the person to hold them up. at first it was fun. then it was really getting out of hand and my neck hurt. even jason's(erins husband) neck started to hurt. then jason got out so we just took a noodle to the output on the filter and used it as a hose to hit everyone. then we had dinner and jason got back in for more chicken fights. now britt had to be a base. everyones neck hurt. and thanks to a game that i didnt want to play my neck is totally stiff today. well later today i have to go to yb again. carey and serena got home yesterday but they cant come b/c they both have to work, but thank god tonya will be there. now ill have someone to talk to w/o havin to make fun of them or spaz out. well lets hope that the day goes well.
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Meh, I haven't posted in a while.
Last night I was talkin' to my friends on the internet when one of them told me about this internet movie stock exchange thing. So needless to say, I joined and so far it's been really fun. It uses fake money so it's totally free. If you'd like to know more stuff about it, IM me. My AIM is UntitledAnthem3. or E-Mail me. E-Mail: PsychoJester888@gmail.com Later, bitches. Oh, PS... Mexico sucks ass. 0 Comment(s)