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Where the postings get posted
well today i got to eat the 1st two periods in a row. it was nice. like 8 ppl in my french class got multiple croissants. honestly who does that? then i went to rottos where we ate our "eclair desserts." they arent choc eclairs, these are ghetto-style choc eclairs. then clark wasnt here today so it was exciting. we had mr carrington. he told us to do our work, but everyone finished yesterday so it was just funny. then today in gym i found out that i have 6.5% body fat. i was like hey thats cool. then when i was changin someone came up to me and touched my shoulder. i thought it was pat just trying to molest me like usual, but it was wallace. he told me to tell all women that i am 6.5% body fat. so i told mrs howells that i was next pd. she just laughed at me when i told her that i thought it was pat that was thought to be molesting me. so ladies now you know. next i had track where all we did was get our steps then stop and do plyo's. they were easy b/c she decided to do like nothing at all. we just talked to coons most of track today. it was an easy practice. then i was takin yourish and tomnay home and i had a good idea. i wanted to go and get a frosty. so i took yourish (since i already dropped off matt) to wendys. we just sat and talked while i ate my Lg frosty. i was soo happy, except that i kept getting brain freezes. it was worth it. then i took yourish home and came to talk to my sis, and i found that she was watchin family guy in my room so i just sat down and proceeded to watch. i fell asleep and here i am now. i have to go and finish studyin for mann's Julius Caesar test tomorrow. good bye and good night.
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well i apologize to my to all of my readers. i did not have time to post yesterday so im going to prob end up makin this one a long one. well recently miss beck is being a great physics teacher. she is teaching us that it is ok to round constants. but according to Rachel, it is a cardinal sin to do that. therefore, shibbs hates beck. and that means that i like shibbs even more now. everyone seriously yells at her b/c you just cant round constants. it makes everything wrong, but w/e shes a sped. i also had a track meet yesterday and my oh my it was exciting. i got to see joey(joelle??? (its pronounced joe-elle) but shes my cuz.) so i just said hi to her b/c she was timing long distance runners. then i also saw jacob knox. i havent talked to that kid since like 7-8th grade. he use to go to my church and hes in track so hey thats cool. he is insane. he just runs for no reason. i guess for warm ups or something but honestly i would sit and eat if i was him. then again im really lazy if you all have not noticed. the guys and girls track team lost. i thought nellas was going to cry that the all mighty and powerful girls lost. but what can you do. this one kid that was working the long jump was about 12 yrs old. he must have had a reading problem b/c seriously tho he added letters were they were not needed. he even subtracted some when he felt they shouldnt be there. Ex: Stawford, Motoko, Latronicccccc (got stuck on the c), and Canteneses. (they were suppose to be Sawford, Matecka, Latronica, and Catanese.) it was just soo funny how he read them. joey and i just laughed for about 20 mins. then when i went to jump i guess mars sucks at recording or something b/c honestly they added at least 1 ft to everyones jump. i jumped 13' 8". i usually jump 12' 8". and joey somehow jump 16' 3". we have no idea how. so then i got home from my meet and decided that i was not going to get wendys with yourish b/c i had so much hw. so i did my hw and essay for mann and finished around 1 am after takin a 15-30 min nap around 1230. i just couldnt go any further. so i went to bed and got all my track stuff together and after running around for awhile finally went to bed. i got up and ran through everything so that i could finish my food prep hw. i think this might have been the 2nd hw assignment for food prep all yr. everyone spazzed out at her for it tho. well then today we were in food prep and we got to make an eclair dessert. we couldnt make choc eclairs b/c ROTTO (which is god) SAID NO. so we arent obviously. then today havelka thought that our class could handle a discussion so he attempted one. she told us that our parents spoil us and they buy us everything such as XBOX. i was like hmm thats cool that you know that but makes me sad that i dont have one. then she told us that "Leave It To Beaver," "I Love Lucy," and one other one that no1 can remember. she told us that all of these shows were alike. they were alike b/c they all took place in the suburbs and they had 2 children. i responded "didnt lucy live in the city?" then chris tomnay screams "In an appartment." then mason yells "the Murtzes" it was insane. she just flipped. so she walked up to her desk and got the next section notes and didnt stop. she just kept ramblin and we just kept writin. so there was no more discussion after that. then today was pizza hut pizza day. it was nice i like pizza. then i went and talked to rachel about how stupid beck is. the entire table started to scream about it except this one girl. she really likes beck. poor girl. i felt bad not that she liked beck, but that everyone yelled at her and then she got pissed. then i went to manns class where my life was threatened multiple times. i was only askin dan a question for gabs. he like told me that he wanted to punch me in the face. it was insane. i was seriously afraid for my life. then i had chem where once again another riot had occured due to me. howells tells me to control myself b/c i could start an uprising. then i had track. well it was really hard today but none of it was actually hard. idk i think i am just out of shape b/c im a jumper. well coons said that she was going to beat olar up if she didnt jump today. it was really funny. then i saw brooks, krista, and mikulan running for nellas with parachutes attached to each person. brooks outran mikulan and ashley got stuck in brooks' wires. it was really funny. then kristas parachute was like always straight up in the air. everyone elses dragged on the ground. it was pretty funny. then i came home and just talked to lori and then she kept askin more questions about prom and i didnt know all of the answers but i knew that mann would know so i just told her to call her. but i didnt know the number or what to do so i called jess. she was very helpful. so then they chatted for awhile. now im just sittin here and south park is on so im going back to watch that. cyah all.
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hey everyone. me again. then again i am the only one that actually posts. well today i made Mississippi Mudd in rottos b/c she just decided that today was the day that we are havin a lab. she never even told us that we were havin one. and then havelka all pd caressed her baby. it was really funny b/c matt kept impresonating her. then later on i went to manns room and she told me that i was depressed/seemed different. so she sent me to the guidance office. it was sooo nice. i got to see the whole office staff sing happy bday to mrs krol and i got to talk to oliver for 1.5 pds. it was awesome. i got to talk about scheduling and other me things. but w/e i enjoyed myself. then i had track and it seemed to go quick b/c today was an easy day b/c we have a meet tomorrow. well im going to go and finish eat the pickles that are sitting here and then ill prob go to sleep or take a shower b/c i feel gross, then again i am all the time.
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Double Posting
well i guess i can post 2x for today. nothing really happened tho. i got all my hw done. i just did it whenever i was extremely bored. oh and it was like 100 degrees in my room from the heat and my comp combined. it was insane. then i was sitting here and some really loud beep came on. i just let it go for like 5 mins then i went to find out what it was. it was my comp. i thought my baby was going to die. i was soo scared. so i shut her down for the 1st time in about 2 weeks. i disconnected her then opened her up to see the insides. and my oh my, she was glorious. then i felt the metal that surrounds my hard drives and my oh my it was hot. i think my girl was telling me she had a fever. so i cooled her down and cleared out any dust that i saw. i turned her back and now she is running superb. i got a few new songs and just surfed the net for like 6 hrs. i didnt even go outside. it was too hot for me. i dont like the heat nor do i like the cold. i liked yesterday morning. it was comfortable. so now that im done writing about things that are pointless let me leave you with a website that krista and i checked out earlier. Here. This is a bit disturbing and is not meant for weak stomachs, but if you read my blog it is almost as equally disturbing so suck it up and click. 0 Comment(s)