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today i went to starsky and hutch with carey and matt. i really enjoyed the movie. then we went to max and ermas to have dinner. me and carey got the same thing but i didnt notice until we got the check. then we went to brusters. i got a shake there. and mm mm mm. good shake. then matt and carey dared me to ask if they employed males and the one girl gave me a look like she knew the answer was no but she really couldnt say it. then after that we went back to careys. we played with 2 frisbees (matt broke the 1st one). then we went on a walk around the neighborhood. then it was semi-dark and we ran out of things to do so i took matt home. carey accompanied me for the ride. i felt really mellow the whole trip. and now im really tired. its only 8pm tho. oh well. i might go to sleep soon, prob not tho. well w/e ill catch you all later.
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today i found out my purpose in life, and its to do LIGHTING for raves. I also had a track meet which was pretty amusing watching brian frolic around with his small arms and short shorts in the sand. I faced black kids running and i only lost to 2 of them horribly, the other on barely beat me. I am so proud because i beat like 6 black kids. Muah hahahahahaha.
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OK, so my brother was driving me home from school today when he realized he needed gas. So we drive to Sheetz and pull up to a pump. My brother gets out and starts pumping the fuel. When he's done he decides to go in and get some food. Meanwhile, I'm still in the car. So anyways... a white SUV pulls up to the pump opposite of mine. And the worst possible person emerged from the SUV... Miss Havelka. RIght then I almost cried. But what is worse, she comes up to the truck, and is all "Hey Josh!" and in a very monotonous voice, I reply "Oh... Hey Miss Havelka." And then she just walked away and started to pump her car full of Car juice. Then I left. Yeah... not a good way to start off the weekend. 0 Comment(s)
well, i guess ill post from lack of anything better to do. i came home today, searched for some raver nodes on e2 so that we were all prepared for one of mrs mann's crazy arse raves. no for your delight, i shall post them on this blessed peice of webspace. Guide for the first time raver and what to bring to a rave. but anyways, after i jumped around e2 for awhile i started workin on blackjack agian. it all acctually works pretty good, except for the god damn aces. i just didnt know what i should do with them. i think i figured it out now, but im not sure so who knows when ill work on it agian. then kaylee came over and we ate some tacos. they were kinda good, but i woulda rather had some taco bell. anyways, in other news mike hepler is considering buying a urinal. congrats mike, what a glorius purchase that shall be. so anyways, ive just been listen to some music and downloadin some and then listen some more. i guess im just tryin to stretch out this post so that it looks like i have a life. im done now tho, lata playas.
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Today was really a waste once again. i would like to say that i was happy that beck wasnt here. it just made everything easier. then at track nellas took me off of high and triple jump, therefore my remaining event is long jump. well i guess i should find something that i can do. well the greatest thing that i have ever heard came from my dad today.....
(I was talking about how my long jump sucks and how jenn cliff. is better than i am at it.) Bill: ya girls are better at stuff like that ...... because they can spread their legs further apart. (i begin to laugh hysterically) Lori (screaming): THAT IS THE MOST PIGGISH COMMENT THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD. (throws a pillow from my bed at my dad, and then turns on me) Lori (still screaming): YOUR JUST AS BAD AS HIM. YOU SHOULDNT EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT JOKE. (lori grabs another pillow and hits me with it) Bill: Are you serious??? I knew that he would have gotton that one!! (I'm still laughing. and lori once again bombards bill and i will pillows.) Bill: I'm gettin' out of here. (ducks out of my room and then lori calms down, but i continue to laugh at the events that just insued in front of me. im pretty sure i laughed for the next 10 mins. then lori got pissed.) 0 Comment(s)
today we had an inner squad meet. we whooped Deer Lakes ass sooo bad it was unbelievable. i got to try high jumping at 5 ft but i almost never leave the ground so i slammed into the bar 2x. the 3rd time (which was 2nd i guess) i lifted the pole up then threw it under me so that i didnt fall on it. i was mighty proud of the crowd that myself and the other sped high jumpers massed together. we have runners coming from near and far. most were suppose to be doing stuff tho. nellas once again flipped on somone. today was jim s. poor kid. nellas just seemed extremely stressed out. i had no hw so it made me happy. i just sat on my computer all night. it has been amazing. havelkas was insane today. engelhardt was have a rave in the back with his light up pen. pat and me were selling bottled water, b/c at raves it is a hot comodity. and then the entire class had a riot most of the period. havelka thought most of it was funny so it made it 10x better. well brother clark wasnt here today and that made me want to cry. i tried to do the activities and i dont remember learning 1/2 of the stuff needed to finish the last one, nor could i even attempt it b/c it was so difficult. well i shall hope that he is there tomorrow so i can chat it up with him and force him into teaching me how to control the evil access.
Side Note: I'm pretty sure Havelka pronounces axis, access. she even the evil Micro$oft has gotton to her. So beware children, one and all. 0 Comment(s)
well, im sure most of you already know that the local giant eagle stopped selling marburger (and if you didnt know that, you should have) we were all quite concerned here at the mason dwelling, so my mom called to see if we could get our weekly 8 gallons deleviered directly to our house. well when she called she got some lady, and she was like 'whoa, are you the lady that always bought 8 gallons at a time?' and my mom was like 'yea' and shes like 'why dont you talk to my dad' and then my mom talked to Mr. Marburger for like 40 minutes about nothing, and he told her that the real reason giant eagle stopped selling marburger was because giant eagle told him not to sell his milk to any walmarts and he did anyways so they stopped selling all his products. so anyways, mr marburger recomended to us that we start a petition so that giant eagle realizes how much money they are losing from not selling marburger products... i just thought that was neato... anyways today was just kinda gay cause i had work but it was easy and anne asked me to look in the garbage can for something with waves on it and i couldnt find anything so she told me 'to shove it up my ass' so i said thanks and went to kaylee's house and came home and ate chicken noodle soup. thats the end. alright, bedtime now.
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as expected i went to my sister's swim meet. it wasnt as exciting as i thought it would be. i had to sit behind a counter from 8am-6pm. it was insane. nobody bought anything. but hey we did make a lot of money for doing nothing. the organization that is. the only payment i got was free food. which wasnt bad i would have to say. some girl kept walking by singing and dancing. the majority of the time she didnt even have any music playing. she looked really crazy. one minute she would be talking, the next she would break out in song. then later she sat down across from me and camden. then she kept staring at us. it was starting to get creepy. but then later cam and jason went and talked to her. or maybe it was the other way around. i wasnt there i just had to hear the story 2nd hand. then later they got her sn. so if she actually lived close cam might score but she lives in uniontown. oh well. i got to talk to serena and mark b/c they decided to go. i would like to say that mark got a 2nd place. so congratulate him if you see him. and i got to chat/sign it up with rebecca. she is sooo cool. she was extremely understanding b/c im retarded. but hey i learned some cool stuff that i can call all of you and you wont know wtf im talking about. and i learned to short hand a few things b/c the alphabet gets hard b/c once again i am a sped. she is really cool tho. since i was bored all yesterday i sent 2 txt messages out to ppl. and guess how many returned my txts? thats right. none of them. ya i see that i am loved. well w/e. last night i had one of the most retarded dreams. i had a superpower. long story so dont ask. then today i went to my sisters spaghetti dinner. it was at 1 o'clock so i guess you would call it lunch. then brad was running extremely late so kaylee invited me over. (he was like 2 hrs late). we waited for him but he never came back over. oh well. now im home and i just finished coloring for havelka. i feel so childish when i have to color. hey i just scribbled and i finished really quick. now on to my vocab. night all.
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