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Where the postings get posted
I just had the new buffalo chicken pizza from Pizza Hut. It is much hotter than I have had anywhere else. I must say that it was good, but I became full quickly. School was okay today. I wrote Jock a note in Deluca's class then uploaded an NES emulator and some games to Deluca's comp. I am so glad that the weekend is here. This week has seriously taken forever. I plan on going out with Mark, Mann, and Amanda. I think we might go and visit Chris at work, but I certainly know that we are going to Starbucks. Other than that, I am not sure what is in store for this evening. Let us find out.
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ive always wanted to try that buffalo chicken pizza so im glad to hear its good. i loved ur note u wrote to me and u will have one on monday. oh starbucks is the place to be. vanilla beans are the way to go :)
I had a track meet again today. I scratched twice out of a total of three attempts. I decided that I just suck. I have also came to the conclusion that I just don't care at all anymore. I came home and just fell asleep. I had to get up to have dinner and then do my homework. I talked to Mann in an attempt to make her feel better. I feel like shit just because I am sick. I just need to get better and for the season to switch to summer so that I would be fine. I hate spring and fall. They are just pointless seasons. I would rather it be summer all year round. Actually, I hate winter more than spring and fall combined. I am even medicated to subdue the sickness, but that just isn't working. My mom just gets angry because I can't stop coughing. I do believe that I am getting closer to my goal of a six pack of abs. I believe that I am now up to four total. Two of them aren't lined up. So one is like "catty-corner" from the other. I think I am off to bed. I have so much shit I have to do. I just don't have time anymore for all of this. Night.
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Today was the last day for PSSA's. I am so excited yet disappointed. I am glad that I don't have to bullshit anymore on my english essays. I am also disappointed that I don't get to miss half of my classes everyday. Soon I am leaving with my dad to go and get the Corvette from my uncle's house. I should be getting showered and dressed, but I just don't see that happening. Actually, I might just do it after I post this. I had track and prom committee today. I got to run some stuff to McClarnon for him to approve after he just disapproved it. Why can't he just make everything easy for us. He just enjoys being difficult. Then track wasn't bad except I am so preoccupied with everything that I am just sucking at jumping. I really hope that I can clear my head by tomorrow since I have a meet. Well I think I am off to shower. Enjoy the rest of the evening.
1 Comment(s)
briann...aww im gonna miss us writing our notes back and forth after we are done bullshitting our essays. does bullshitting have one or two t's in it? hmm. ohh yay for corvettes they are soo awesome. if its red that would make it even more awesome. well sorry for mcclarnon for not liking ur ideas...what were they for ne ways? prom? well im out cyaa brian
I also offically suck at track. Today was terrible. I was really bad. I want to do well again. Well I must say that I am incredibly tired at this point. Kelsey just asked for some assistance with physics I believe. So I am off to call her then I think I might just go to bed. Cyah.Note: Jock don't forget what you are supposed to do. 1 Comment(s) brian sorry i didnt see that u posted yesterday so ill post for this one and todays :) i bet u do not suck at truck. hmm idk what else to sayy..
I just took a quiz off of Andy Austin's Blog. Well I am officially a Puss and oh yeah here are my stats.
I just edited the html for that table b/c it was terrible. People these days. 1 Comment(s) well brian i took the test and i am 66.66% female and 33.33% male so at yay for me being a girl. that quiz was cutee tho. i decided to leave u a comment since u always comment on mine :)
Today I finally got my tux. I also got my hair cut. It looks "sharp." Then I worked on my thing for work. I have started to convert it to a program (exe file.) Then I went to Olar's with Nat. We worked on Physics, and then we watched Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. I love those shows. Thank god Nat watched TV and all. *sigh* I need to get to sleep soon because I have PSSA's again tomorrow. Night all.
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