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Where the postings get posted
Well last night was the Halloween Dance sponsored by the Junior class. It wasn't as bad as expected, but it also wasn't as much fun as prom. I really enjoy dancing. Even though I look retarded and I don't like to be on the outskirts of the group, I enjoyed it. I got to dance with quite a lot of ppl. A few of them didn't actually want to dance so I just danced next to them. *cough* DANNI! *cough* Oh ya well I thought everyone was dressing up so I decided to throw something together. I ended up being a color-blind FDR. I put a ton of baby powder in my hair. My hair turned like gray-white. It was so awesome. Everyone thought it was fake hair. Good work on my mom's part for coming up with the idea of baby powder. Well Tim Tim and I put the powder on in the bathroom at the school. It looked like there was cocaine on the floor. It made me chuckle. Since my hair was full of baby powder when people touched it, it would cause a cloud of dust. Well I got my grove on. It was a lot of fun. I laughed quite a lot. Ben Potter went up for the costume contest as a rape victim. Then he pulled Brian H. up as his rapist. It was sooo funny. Well CM looked like a captain's wench. So that is what we called her all night. Then CM only dances with her hip. It is so funny. Oh ya and Tim Tim has his own dance style. It makes me chuckle too. Later, Clint and I danced together to make fun of Tim Tim and Kels. Kels just got pissed and his us both. Jerry was straight out of jail. He must have had slippery hands because he kept droppin' the soap. Good ol' Jerry. Bre and I dance a few times. We just laughed the whole time. I got to dance with her skirt up. Don't think she wasn't wearing anything under there. She had to be a hooch like all the other girls and wear shorts. HONESTLY, WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO US GUYS?? It made me sad. Then I know that I dance with a few short people and I had to squat down and almost sit on the floor. lol. Oh ya umm I got to dance with many other people. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I recall one of the funniest dances was when I was dancing with elisha. I just started to moan. Then all of a sudden Mof and Robert turn to me and just start laughin'. Well I am lonely and that was the most action I have got in quite some time, so I just kept moaning. They just kept laughing. I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the dance. Well then I had to stay and clean up. After that was over I took Justin home and then went to bed. I had work today and I was beat. It took like an hr and 1/2 just to even move at work. Thank god I work by myself, and I prob could have slept all day and they wouldn't have noticed. So then I finally got up and just talked to Ken most of the time. He is so cool. Well then I got home and just sat on the comp all night. I just finished dinner and I should be going over Jess Mann's soon. As soon as that bitch finishes cleanin up the cave (her room.) Well cyah.
Edit: Well I forgot some stuff. I wanted to put some quotes here and also I forgot about the free-styling/spaz work of Murph and I. Well Murph came up to me and counted down from 5-1 and then just like free-styled/spazzed out. It was the craziest dance I have ever seen. So I did it with her, but each time was different from the next. It was so fun. I also danced with Julia, O, and Jessie C. If I forgot you I'll just edit again and fix that. Sorry about that. Time for quotes. Quotes:
Why does Nat have to be such a naggin' bitch? Honestly, this girl always nags about my blog. Well w/e. Yesterday I got to present in Nellas's class. It was mighty fun. Anne went 1st as expected. Then she selected me. I went and everyone was laughing. Coons even came over to watch it. Nellas was laughing so hard he was crying. It really made me chuckle. Thank god for props and such. Then today I saw some more presentations in Nellas. They weren't bad. I think they were meant to be more funny, but some of them just didn't have the emphasis on words to do that. Oh ya yesterday I got to make a Mister Crock (english conversion of the french dish b/c I can't spell it.) It was really good. Everyone thought I was retarded for how I cooked it. I didn't break any plates this time so it is all good. Well tonight I have homework, but I am not sure if I really feel like doing it. I got to talk to Willy Mac and he said that I could not be FDR throughout the day because too many people would complain about it. So I just let it go. He did offer the wheelchair in the nurse's office for the assembly only. I thought if I can't be it all day, then I really don't see a point for it. Well w/e "The Man" just pissed me off thats all. Well maybe I shall return to sleep because recently I have been tired for no reason at all. Too much thought I guess. Cyah.
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Well yesterday I had to help Justin sell tickets for the halloween dance at lunch. We got two sales. Everyone else got none. We are great salesmen. Then while sitting there Nellas told me that we were not presenting. It was bittersweet. I now have to go today, but then again I didn't have to present yesterday. Well we got our test back and I got a 112. Let me remind you that it is a 90% with some change. I think I should have a 113 but I could be wrong. Maybe Nellas didn't take the curve into account. Oh well I was probably screwed out of a point. So ya I have to present today. Anne and I had an arguement during school to see who was going 1st. She said that she has to go 1st. Then she would pick me, but if I get picked 1st then it is vise versa. Well I am going to finish surfing the web. Cyah.
Edit: Oh ya I forgot to post this. It was the only reason I really wanted to post. Mason sent this to me while I was sleeping. Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and it's all organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lover's Swiss, the police German and it's all organised by the Italians. 0 Comment(s)
Well on Sunday I went to my sister's swim meet and slept almost the whole time and woke up for her last event. I was told she did quite well. Then we went to my cuz's house for a house warming party. Her husband has soooo many people on his side of the family. I didn't know there was that many. Then I ended up falling asleep there. Then again so did my dad and sis. While there I got some REALLY good pepperoni rolls. My cuz-in-law's mom made them. I don't know if it was his mom or step-mom. Oh well. Well all I have to say is his sisters are hott. They aren't even related so I could get up in that, but they are like 25 so that really wouldn't work out. Well I worked on my essay for Nellas. I turned it in yesterday and last night I found like 5 errors. I am so sick of how much I such at english. I also found out that Ron Mur got a perfect 800 on his math. GO RON! I worked on my speech last night too. It is almost the same as my essay, but it is suppose to be. It is going to suck. I really don't care though. Well let's hope that I don't fail this one too.
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Well Friday I went to the eye doctors and got my eyes dilated. Boy oh boy was that fun. Then since I couldn't drive and my family left I didn't go to the football game. We lost as expected though. So I guess I didn't miss much. Then yesterday I had work and it was quite enjoyable. Once again I talked to Ken about the most random stuff. Then last night I had Murph and Jess over. Murph decided that she wanted to bring a friend which was perfectly fine with me. The winner was....... Joe. Joe = Satan (just incase you didn't know that.) Then we just talked most of the night. Then someone was outside my house and knocked on the windows. Everyone jumped and my mom just got home and she was scared shitless. I ended up screaming "FUCK!" and then it happened again with the window knocking. My mom and my sis scared each other. Then later my dad got home and just went to bed. It was odd. Oh well. Well everyone left sometime after 12. I can't remember. I fell asleep probably 15 minutes after they left. South Park all night baby. Then I got up early today to go to my sister's swim meet. The folks are forcing me. Oh well. I guess that means I am going to be getting my hw done. Well I g2g if I don't Lori might crucify me.
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