well today i was extremely giddy. most of the day i couldnt stop laughing, and most of the stuff i was laughin at wasnt even funny. during history havelka yelled at chrissy b/c she wouldnt answer a question that was just asked. then chrissy flipped out. and then havelka yelled and just moved on. it was a trip let me tell you. then later i had health, and when there is no windows in a room and the door is shut and the lights are off, who isnt going to sleep. honestly. so i slept the entire period in health. the movie on xtc was soo boring. god oprah is a rich cow. well i laughed quite a lot during chem today with yourish. "i spy with my lil eye, something that is red and looks like a clown." and i didnt even listen to howells at all today. i was sooo lost. oh well. but yourish taught me so im good now. then at track i bypass krista on her way to get her leg wrapped. she was going to go and look sexy. and then when we were running in place for 2 mins brooks told me that she read my post from yesterday and thought it was good and it made her think that i sounded smart. she kept staring at me today so i yelled at her. and everytime i looked her direction she would be staring. can someone make her stop. honestly. then brucker and coons were argueing about taking 'roids. then she started to discuss about how if you do herion once you obviously wont do it again. then nellas yells from the track as hes running by "nick i hope that you take 10x the recommended dosage of steroids." it was really funny tho. then i tried to high jump, what a joke. i cant get over the 5ft line. i have to push the cord down just to get over it. well im going back to eating.
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