I just had to do the quote of the evening.
"Devin 5 8 0 1: how about me and brian come over and we can eiffel tower?
BLS1507: idk wat that is but for sum reason i feel as tho im going to get raped."
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God damn LiveJournal sucks. I was trying to post a comment on Mason's LJ and it just decided to fuck itself over. Oh well. Well I called Murph because she said that she was going to come over, but she has not returned my call. Good ol' anne is getting the number now. It is so sweet too. She even put me in her away message. Well I am suppose to go to Starbucks with Murph tonight. I can't wait. We are going to meet Jess Mann there after she gets off work. I wish I wasn't so popular b/c I seriously have 3 different choices of things to do tonight. Well I'm def not popular. Everyone is just looking for a cheap laugh. That is all there is to it. Well I might play poker tomorrow night depending on if tomnay is free and I can get out of going to my uncles bday. Lets hope. I am in desperate need of gambling and losing of moola. Well I guess I shall be shovin off. Murph said that she would be here after she is done with her pizza. I'm shovin off. Later.
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Well I almost forgot about you guys. Well Sunday I went to Jess Mann's house for a shindig of sorts. It was fun. I sat inside and watched Desperate Housewives while the assholes were outside doing who knows what. Then again Kate stayed inside like me and became a recluse. Well Monday nothing really happened. I ended up going to the Mann house once again. Thank god they don't completely hate me. Jess and I just laughed most of the night, like usual I guess. Then yesterday at school the main topic of the day was politics. It was fun. Nellas grunted about Kerry and how he should win. Oh ya and then after school, my sis and I went with our mom to the voting booth. We all walked in and she voted for president last. I got to fight her for the vote. I held her hands and my sis switched the vote. She just kinda fought but not really. Once we got out to the car she got in and locked the doors. It was raining out so my sis and I just stood in the rain watching my mom laugh at us. It was ok though because she let us in. When we got home she said that she was going to vote for Kerry anyways so it didn't really matter to her. Well then I came home and slept most of the night. Then I got back up and did my English hw. After that I went and just watched tv til 1130. I have decided that Al Sharpton is hysterical. I was watching The Daily Show and he was just ripping the Republican Party. It was soo awesome. Well I have to go and finish getting ready for school. Later.
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