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Where the postings get posted
I know that everyone is deeply hurt by the death of the Pope. I had work today and it went slower than usual. I think that my co-workers hate me. Ever week, I get Subway with my dad. Last week, Ken told me to not get Subway because it seems like we are outcasting ourselves. So today we didn't. When it came time to order Chinese, they forgot to ask us what we wanted. So we just ordered hoagies. They were good. I have no idea what I am going to do tonight since I can't go to the tux place to get a tux. They closed at five, and I get home at six. So we are going tomorrow at noon when they open.
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I was getting ready to take a shower tonight when my mom and i were talking about the Pope (don't worry I was wearing clothes). Then she was telling me about how she remembered John Paul becoming Pope.
Mom - I remember when the Pope was uhhh....crowned. Me - Um Mom? The Pope isn't crowned. Mom - Well whatever. I remember when he was Pope-ed then. My dad and I just lost it because it was so dumb. Then we just talked about Teri Schavios(sp?) dieing yesterday. The field trip for Bayer today wasn't as bad as I thought. We got to see our competition and how unprofessional all of them are. I even found out that Carlson isn't the craziest person that I know. These two other women there were worse than her. I was amazed. Carmen Sanchez the Carpetmuncher made my day though. Damn Spanish Lesbians. She was so funny, even though she wasn't trying to be. Well it is time to head off to bed. I have to work again tomorrow. Night. 0 Comment(s)
Happy April Foolsand oh ya...Happy Birthday JerryI am kinda excited for April Fools. Other than someone pulling one on me, it is going to be a good day. I have a field trip today with the majority of my Bayer group and also Carlson. Then I have track which sucks, but it will be okay. I just can't wait to do stuff this weekend. Well I have to eat breakfast before school, so I'm out. 0 Comment(s)
Today was an easy day at track. I just had to watch the pit and jump a few times. I had a good day I must say. Well except for lunch I was in a bad mood but I just don't know why though. I am going to the play tonight. I can't wait to go though because then I get to talk to the CrAzIeSt person ever. She has to tell me what happened in the scene following the bastard at the alter. It is like a story, and I love it.
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haha...you know you love the CrAzInEsS...i wish i could say the same..but i can't because ur a horrible husband i mean, ghetto limo, chuck E cheese, oh yeah, and neglecting the bride @ the alter...come on?
Today was the second track meet, and it was at Apollo Ridge. I scratched all of my Long Jumps, but when I did my Triple, I scratched the first but did well on the two following. So I was happy with that one. The only bad part about the meet was that it was so damn far away. I slept on the way there, but I did not on the returning trip. I honestly just need to go to sleep. I need to catch up on sleep. I shall be heading off very soon. Night all.
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Josh decided that he would make a new banner for my blog. What a nice kid. If you see him in the halls make sure to shake his hand if you are male. If you are female.... make sure you sex him up real good.
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I like the new banner, but it throws off the theme for the rest of the site. The grey and the white just don't match anything now.
I count (including <- that one): 16. Here is me being "spedtastic." 2 Comment(s) well well i use a lot of words with "i" as well.. like i as in me and i in other words like in.. how exciting i always enjoy ur random comments but idk how anyone can get into talking about the romans and togas from jock's post.. its just not possible and i also do not get the me and my dad ass w/e thing u said i just DO NOT.. you DO or you DO NOT and i DO NOT. ha i say that entirely too much.. well congrats on the 14 jumper thats quite good i must say 2 feet is a big dif.. yay for you and this has to be the longest comment of my life but im having fun what can i say.. track is awesome and i hate it.. i cant wait until this time next year when i can just count down the days until track is over for the rest of my life along with high school yay.. and BTY JUNIORS ROCK ha people are gay.. and are like are you serious and shit ha i DO NOT care.. my mom just got back from a candle party and got some really good smelling ones.. like apple cinamon and shit like that but i dont like apples really only with peanut butter.. and deano said that i should eat peanut butter before track so i should do that cus deano is amazing at track.. well im gonna get back to getting ready for school/track yippyyyyy
Well I went to my Gram's on Easter. I enjoyed myself. It was much better than the Easter at home. Then I invited some people over to watch Desperate Housewives. Only Kate showed up. It really shows who cares. Actually, everyone was just busy. Then today I had track. It wasn't bad except it was raining the entire time. Tomorrow is our first meet though. It is at the high school. So if you would like a good laugh, you can come and see me jump. Well since I finished all of my homework, I ended up reading everyone's LJ. I posted as much as I could. I am usually go with stuff like that. I always have something to say. I am off though to do something. I was going to go and program for Physics, but I am just not sure if I have the motivation at this point. Maybe I will work on my website.
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Happy Ghetto-Xmas.Like expected, Easter was shitty. I woke up and felt it. So I just tried to take the longest that I could to avoid it. I am going to my grandma's soon to celebrate Easter there. It is probably going to be bad too. I just can't wait for this day to be over. Well new Desperate Housewives tonight. So that is the only good thing about today. I'll blog later to tell you about Gram's. Cyah. 0 Comment(s)
brian101287: NO