The phrases of the year have to include:
"SAWFORD" - Rachel Houpt
and "T-Neck"
I just thought I'd post them. I really thought they were good. Well my weekend was great. The Mann house is the place to be. I must say that it is not "beat" as some might think. Well I watched the Steeler game this weekend just like Jess and Leigh Ann did. It was a good game I must say. I think that the girls did enjoy it a bit more. Well I am going to bed or finding someone to call because I am bored out of my mind.
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Hells Ya for Josh. Nice work. I thought everyone just left my ass here to post on my own. I know tomnay did. I know that mason got his own blog but I like my readers so I'll keep them. Well I worked on the PowerPoint all day today. It is awesome now. I can't wait til I get to turn it in. Then I will be so juiced. Well then I went to Jess Mann's (like usual) to have some fun. We went to Starbucks with Amanda T. and Murph. I had so much fun though tonight. Tomorrow I can't wait to do more fun stuff. I still have a shitload of hw so that pisses me off. Oh well. Later.
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OH EM GEE DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF! A post by Josh?! Haha...
Anyways... Yeah I worked all weekend. 5 hours on Friday, 8 Hours Saturday, and 7 hours on Sunday... I think I died a bit on the inside. Oh well, I should get a nice pay check. Haha, oh yeah! Steelers won, bitches! 7-1!! HUZZAH!!
Yeah, that's enough writing for now.
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