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Where the postings get posted
Meh, I REALLY don't feel like typin' stuff right now, but whatever. You can imagine how bad my day was by imagining putting crap, nast cheese, and moldy hotdogs into a blender and mixing it all around and drinking the fluid that comes out.... Well it started off by me having to cut the lawn. (Oh yippie...) The lawn probably took about an hour to cut, and I got a farking blister from the damn thing. After that super fun filled experience I decided to play some X-Box.
I was playing that for a while when suddenly the phone rings... So i pick it up and guess what! It's fuckin' Brian and he's telling me to answer my door... Well I did what I was told and answered it. (Brian was at the door if you haven't figured that out allready...) So it turns out that Kaylee was having some sort of Shindig at her house, and Brian came over to pick me up... After arguing with him for about 5 minutes about whether I was going to go or not, he finnally left. So I go back to continue my game that I was playing on X-Box. About 5-10 minutes later, the phone rings AGAIN, which I can't stand because people have been calling me all day. Well to my suprise, Kaylee was on the other end of the line and she begged me to come over to house. I declined the invite and hung up. I picked up my controller and started to play again, when suddenly there's a knock at the door... This got my pretty agitated. I went to the door and answered it. And woohoo... it was Brian and Kaylee coming to take me to Kay's house...... This made me angry considering I was making pizzas at the time. And to make a VERY long story a VERY short story (Due to my laziness) About 2 hours passed untill some chick called Brian's cell phone to say that Kaylee's mom was mad that she wasn't home yet.... So they set off and I got the feeling that Brian and Kay were mad at me when they left.... But meh, they'll get over it. and here I am now, sitting at my computer typing this up. ANd now I don't really feel like typing anymore, so I will end this post. Later. 1 Comment(s) This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
well guys today was quite interesting. i played age of empires again with mason. we had to cut it short b/c we decided to go to kaylees. right before i left engelhardt IMed me and asked if i would take him. you know i really dont give a damn so i went and got him. the only instructions he gave was that he was the road he lives on and there is a For Sale sign out front. well his street is really long and many ppl are selling their house on it. so i went to the 1st house and i asked for him and the guy said that he prob lives at the neighbors house. well i walked next door and i knew it was josh's house. so i argued with him and he decided that he didnt want to come with us. then i called engelhardt on my cell and he gave me better directions like the house number. so i got brad and then we left and got mason at his house. as soon as we got to kays she wondered where josh was. so she called him and to her it sounded like he was going to come with us. so i drove back over and went inside to get him. he got a bit pissed and said he was makin pizzas. well he said that he was making the pizzas the 1st time i got there. they should have been done and consumed already. so he attempted to lock us out but then we just walked through the downstairs and talked to him. we ended up watchin ATHF. great show i might add. then missy called my cell and said that kays mom was mad that she hasnt returned yet to her own shindig. so we left w/o josh. we got back and everyone was pissy. it was terrible. then we watched blue collar comedy and stand-up with ron white. they were both funny. then we had to leave kays and mason couldnt find his shoes. for some reason kay hid them in her room. she knew that i had a schedule and i was following it. oh well. i made it home in time. now im sittin on my comp not really talking to anyone. i didnt even read the forums tonight. i just dont really give a damn. well lets hope tomorrow turns out better.
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well today i got a few (5) phone calls from my sis telling me that i need to lock the windows or i might die. damn butler dumbasses. they decided that they would release a cloud of chlorine into the air that can fuck with your lungs and kill you. how fun. so i locked up and then my sis called again and told me to call my gram. gram lives in butler, my gram said she came inside and heard the end of the story from the news. she also said that she has no idea what the retards from butler did. i just chuckled. now i had a reason not to leave my house. then i ended up playin aoe2 with mason today. it was a 5 hr game. what a classic and great game. then i had a chicken salad that lori made me. then my sis wanted on the comp so i went outside and talked to bill. while talking about these bastards that rip off his company i decided to rake up the grass that was left behind from me cutting it yesterday. so i raked it up, put it in a bucket, and then put the grass where the dead grass spots were. now it wont look dead for the next few days. then lori came out and we talked. bill decided that he would prune the tree that overhangs my car. so we chopped those down. and since my feet were pure green from the grass i took a shower and then went back down and talked to the folks. now im here and chattin it up. later folks.
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well today i got up late b/c my sis spent the night at her friends house. once i got up i took a shower then went and mowed the lawn. usually cutting the grass is a bit more exciting but this time it wasnt at all. i wasnt too pleased this time. then lori came home and she wanted to go for a walk. so we took a walk from my house over to gabs' plan and walked around there for a bit. we picked up gabs and did 3 laps with her. then we let her go and we walked home. then bill got home and we were going to go to the clubhouse tonight for dinner, but bill decided to go to pizza hut. there was once again only one waitress and she was havin some trouble. i was very understanding of this, but the lady at the table next to us just kept bitching. lori and i couldnt stop laughing. we were seriously soo pissed at her that i wanted to walk up and scream in her face. oh well. you know me, i didnt do it. then we came home and i went on my comp and i have been there ever since. krista just txted my phone. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL HER!!!! TXTIN COSTS MONEY. oh well. she is over brians house and once again i wasnt invited to anything cool or fun. ehh oh well. well south park is now in a few mins so im switchin to comedy central right now cyah.
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Later. 0 Comment(s)
well tonight i went to kaylees. it was quite fun. i watched reservoir dogs, butterfly effect, and grease. lexi was being a lil bitch so i took her inside and forced her into her room. then she ended up falling asleep so it was all good. i also got to make dinner with kay and ton. ton got to make fried green tomatoes. jim (kays dad) didnt like them at all. he wouldnt even feed it to tipper. good ol ton. we still love her. then clint came and ton had to leave. then the time came for me to leave kays and head on home. so nothing really happened today. ehh maybe since my sis isnt going to be home at all tomorrow ill do something fun. lets hope.
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well today i went to the zoo with kaylee. it was quite fun. it rained the entire time, but it was still fun. my sisters friend went down the slide like the rest of us but since it was wet she went so fast that she flew off the slide and into the mulch. she was covered. it was really funny. and who the hell even owns a Zoo Key. those lil boxes were everywhere. we got to go and see the different monkeys. the whole monkey place smelled like shit. there was this one monkey that was totally suicidal. he just started swingin in circles to build up speed and then he threw himself at the glass. i screamed OH FUCK. so we high-tailed it out of there. then kay and i went in the lil mouse maze. it was full of water and we were way too big for it. we made it though and my knees were beat red. well we had quite a good time. and on the way home on middle road extention something on my car started to rumble so my dad got out to see what it was. we guessed it was the muffler so we took it monro on rt 8. they said it should be done by later tonight. well lets hope its not too pricey.
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Yeah, it was a short post, but do I care? nope. 0 Comment(s)
1. Josh your a worthless piece of shit. Dont ever post shit like that again or im going to delete it. 2. Mason now has a blog of his own and it will be over in the links bar to the side in a few moments. 3. Tomnay said that he pretty much gave up on posting on here. So he might be removed soon. I have to think it over. 4. If no1 else is going to post I am either going to get new ppl for the blog or just make this my own. Since most of the posts are mine, I thought that might be an option too. thats enough ranting for me tonight. 0 Comment(s)
well i went to camp this weekend even after making the attempt to get out of it. i only went up one day tho. thank god. well all the soccer ppl came home today. well idk what im going to do this week. this week seems free and boring. oh well. tomorrow im going to the zoo with my dad, sis, her friend, and kay. oh and tonight i played poker with ian, clint, chris, brad, and pete. well the last hand that i could stay for i had a flush and i cleaned clint out. he doesnt have too many chips left, but since i had to be home we decided to conclude the game another time. so whenever we finish it, i'll make sure to give the update on the poker game. well now time for some tv and chats. night.
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