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Where the postings get posted
well today i went to kw with mason. well once we got there we had to find a spot and this guy just pulled out as we went by so tim parked there. he then put his head out of his window and yelled about "how perfect this spot was." everyone just looked at him like he was crazy. dont worry its not entirely a lie. then mason and i rode around and met up with lin and them for lunch. at lunch we had really good cookies. they were still soft. then mason and i saw a pink backpack that was left on a table unattended. we thought it was a bomb. then while we were eating the train went by and some girl that i thought was sandy r. for a sec waved to us. so then on their way back they waved again so i made sure i returned the favor. lol. then mason and i went back out to ride. today we saw 3 "cult/nazi"-like groups. there was the red nazis, the yellow nazis, and the Woods family. they were all family reunions. the yellow ppl could always be spotted b/c of their color and because their party consisted of about 50 ppl. if they decided to ride the whole line was occupied by them. lin forced us to meet by Pass Time b/c we all know know where that is. and she wouldnt allow us to meet at the bridge b/c no1 knows where that is. so tim and us just kinda chuckled and just named the bridge a rainbow shaped object. tims so funny. i have also realized that ppl scream about the most random stuff. some guy just started to yell about how the king kahuna was "crazy shit." then while i was getting some food at the fish and chips place the girls that were workin i guess got bored and started to talk to me. the one girl's bday was also in july. she was really happy about being cancer. then the one girl i guess just felt like being generous and gave me extra fish and i think fries. i couldnt finish it at all. i had to pay only reg price tho. so hell ya. then tim taught us about how to get girls' numbers. then we met up again and went home. well im going to bed soon im really tired. night.
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hey, i havent posted in like a month, so i guess ill just post now. we've upgraded to dsl awhile back, and its really nice. either this weekend or next were going to be putting cable in me and my brothers room, then creating a network with dsl. that will be nice, and maybe someday we'll have a lan party here at the ol' mason dwelling. it's also been rumored that im purchasing my new keyboard and that should be nifty. oh, and i was bored earlier, so now theres a comment system. i was going to read about it, then put it in myself, but then i decided it would be easier to just copy an paste the whole thing, so i did. so now, if you would like, you can comment our posts. nifty idea, isn't it? thats all i have to say.
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'Doo doo doo doo, doo-doo, do-Wah!'
It doesn't matter what comes, fresh goes better in life, and Mentos is fresh and full of life. Nothing gets to you, staying fresh staying cool, with Mentos, fresh and full of life. Fresh goes better, Mentos freshness, fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life! Mentos, the freshmaker! 0 Comment(s)
Mexicans are bad.
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Glen! Glenn Glenn Glenn! Glenn Glenn Glenn! Glen Glenn GLENNNNNN! Glen's the man going to work, got his tie got ambition, middle management is right in his grasp it's a dream he'll never let die. Glenn's the man of the hour he's the king of his cube! Status call reports have finally met their rival! Glen's burning the candle at both ends on his way to the top...he know's one day he just could become...supervisor!
And then they move onto Roy, but Roy sucks. 0 Comment(s)
ya well this weeekend i went to camp. it was okay i guess but it wasnt fun. oh well. i just layed around and watched movies all weekend. i watched it takes two, two times. then i watched for richer or for poorer. then i went to my aunts house with my fam to celebrate the 4th of july and to have a family bday party for me. and since we went to this persons house we played the sawford family tradition of Wiffle Ball. my uncle is always the all time pitcher. then when my cuz (about lori's age) was up she hit the ball so hard and it nailed him right in the ear. he fell straight to the ground and his hearing aid fell out. his ear was bleeding and he was havin trouble standing up since he has back problems. but it was really funny. he just laughed. then my gram came and since she cant walk they put her on the golf cart and just rode her over to the firepit. she couldnt get on the seat b/c of the pain so she sat on the floor of the golf cart. then she road by and my other cuz (husband to the attacker) screamed and made everyone wave to our #1 Fan. gram just laughed and rode by. it was quite a joy at their house. then last night i just sat at home b/c i missed my computer. plus it was late so i wasnt able to leave. oh well. lets hope today that i do something with someone.
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