i almost forgot i got to take jocelyn home from the battle of the bands too. even tho she angers me on some topics. (you know what they are.) well w/e if anyone sees jock call her joe until her voice changes back. she told me it was ok and hey why cant you all call her that then. i dont see a prob. enjoy. oh ya brad one of the posters of this blog also dropped out of the Fourty Day Challenge. i called him a faggot and according to josh (another poster) that is def an insult if i say it to someone, but seriously mason you have no will-power and deserve to die sometimes. but for now ill let you live just dont cross the line like that again.
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Today was a complete blow off. almost every class there was a sub. we watched an entire movie in french. slutkowski thought that we would be able to understand it. i just looked at the pictures and understood the story that way. then in rottos we just sat there and talked and looked at recipes. kaylee carries around some interesting stuff in that purse of hers lol. havelkas was fun even tho we like p0wned her like usual. clark wasnt here so we went to shipleys room b/c she couldnt handle the pressure of teachin in two rooms 5 ft apart. so we made signs for her daughters 10th bday and everyone's looked soo bad but for some reason she liked them all. who knows. and im manns class pat and mike took their relationship one step further today. i didnt think it could go any further but it did, so i moved and sat next to sam. then in chem yourish and i connected our graphing calcs together and typed to each other the entire pd. it was so much fun. i went to the battle of the bands tonight and i saw nat the "i want to be in the blog girl." im pretty sure we need to restrict her name just so that she doesnt get giddy when she reads her name and creams herself. you know you do nat dont lie. i couldnt take the bands b/c thats not my thing so i just sat and talked to olar the entire time about random stuff. oh ya and i talked to mann about sex and "smart" havelka. well now im trying to find plans for tomorrow. im discussing with krista now but who knows whats going on as of now. so if you have any ideas for me feel free.
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We'll 2 day down and 37 to go, or something like that. It hasnt yet been challenging for me. All i do is finger my asshole. My Pecks and Ass are sore today from track.. Off i go
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Well brad i bet that if you washed your socks they wouldnt smell like shit. just an idea. The Fourty Day Challenge is underway, and we have two members down out of a total of 18 participants. Josh F. and Nate are the two self-abusers with no willpower. Nate tho is going to try again to prove that he can actually do it. So lets give the ol chap a round of applause *claps*. So nate is going to be starting as of midnight tonight. He is going to be 2 days behind but since he wants to try again we will let him b/c we are nice ppl. Today i had track and Natalie Deluca told me that she wants to be in my blog. i guess she had it all planned out already. i guess we are going to the mall and seeing who can get more free chinese food from the ppl. who knows shes insane, but in a good way. i would just like to announce that i found another religious family guy viewer, and it is a female and her name is JESS MANN. well this weekend i might be going to the movies with slean and krista and maybe ron brent, but idk yet. if you would like to go im me by clickin here. well guys i am stilling going strong with the Fourty Day Challenge and im looking to go all the way. So pray/cheer/root for me, whatever turns that frown upside down.
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well today was interesting..... i came home, waited outside for about an hour because my dad locked the house and there was no way in. so then when i was allowed back in my house, i started progrramming blackjack v2. but i really did start this time, and now im almost done! by tommarow, i should be completly done, then you can all find the bugs for me and call me a moron for creating a shitty program. as for the big 40 day challenge i dont think its as hard as you ppl make it out to be. you just gotta keep your hands away from your lonely neighbor downstairs and you good. well, my socks smell like shit right now.
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Well, the 40 day challenge is under way! Here we go boys! It's gonna be hard, but I think some of us can actually make it. ONWARD! FOR THE MOTHER LAND! JIHAD JIHAD!
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1 day down 39 to go. and there is one man down. and now a moment of silence for our good brother nate... now that we know that he is a weak bastard as josh would say, ONWARD! well i have hw to do then im going to sleep. nothing happened today except i failed my mann test b/c i sleep during the movies every day. oh well. night.
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shit! i totally forgot that the big 40 day challenge is goin on in 1 1/2 short hours! no masturbation for 40 days! well, according to the rules, kaylee was alowed to 'intevene' and it would still count as me not doin it, but she decided that she would stop for the 40 days. well fellas, i wish good luck to all, its gonne be the longest fucking 40 days of our lives. :-(
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well, apparently theres some higher [nazi] at work thats makin me post right now, but i guess i will anyways. even tho its like my bed time, cause my parents make me go to bed at like 10:30. anyways, i just wanted to say that tommarow is wednesday, and that makes me happy, its the last day i have to work. yay. anyways, i really wanna take my drivers test soon, so maybe ill do that. but probably not. other than that, its been like 3 weeks since my dad said he wanted to get dsl, so this weekend im gonna yell at him about it and see what happens there. i really dont have much else to say, hence i havent been posting, but as i stated earler, this was like a forced posting. anyways, ive been chatting it up on irc in my spare time, now that i figured out how to use chatzillla, but i dont know any good places to chat. so if any of you are irc regulars, tell me and ill be like okay then. other than that, i havent been doin anything. moving on, the update on my thoughts on kazaa, its not a horrible program, but ive had like 5 songs that will just shit out in the middle of a song, or it gets all staticy, which is gay. so that just pisses me off a bunch. anyways, im out.
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ya guys isnt josh sweet. he posts when i force him to. and i know the one or two ppl that actually read this enjoyed his post.
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Fuck j00 cracka...
Anyways. Yeah, today sucked. I was tired in all of my periods, and nearly fell asleep in Havelkas, god forbid that ever happen in such an exciting class... After school I came home and played X-Box for about an hour and then I fell asleep and woke up at 8:00. And I was playing a game until Brian teh ghey j3w made me post.
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I went to track today for the first time in a while, and crushed 3 kids when we sprinted once. It made me feel good. Then i lifted with brian and found out how weak he actually is, but hey its cool. So in about 2 hours the big 40 begins. All i gotta do is get some1 else to do it. Well i am going to shower and eat b4 Family Guy or Futurama come on....
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Well today was girl scout cookie distribution. Thank you to all who brought their money. I brought an entire garbage bag into school today. it was filled completely. miss watts even commented about it. she was just wonderin if i was dumping my garbage at the school. i guess she doesnt want it any dirtier there either. rottos room was fun today b/c we had mann as our teacher b/c rotto was "proctoring the test"(simedawg quote). mann is sooo awesome. i wish we had her for study hall all yr. i got to store my food that she "got for free from her husband" (even tho we all know that he stole it so that his family could eat and not stare.) i fell asleep once again watchin a movie in manns. god everytime i watch a movie in there i sleep and miss the whole thing. well im eating frosted donettes and they are soo good so im leavin you all to go and eat.
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today i did nothing except my outline. then i went to careys to dance to random oldies and watch a movie. like usual her mom had me stay for dinner. it was lasagna. after i took my piece she said that the middle of the meal always gets ppl sick. i ate it anyways b/c i was hungry. carey eventually got sick. but shell survive. well im going to bed soon so cyah all later.
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