I haven't updated in quite some time. I haven't been home to do stuff. I have been so busy trying to catch up in all my classes and such. It is so bad. My group did our video for Nellas today. OHHHHHH! It is so bad. It is probably going to be the funniest thing ever. I hate this project. I will not ever do anything like this ever again. I can't wait to fail the video part of it. By the end, I was seriously ready to get the hell out of there. The whole house was swearing. My mom said that she didn't even want to walk down because she heard some of the girls swearing. I need to edit the script now so that it matches perfectly with the video. Nellas is crazy. I can't wait to turn this video in. It is going to be the end of me. At this point though, I just don't care at all anymore. I just want to get out of school. Prom is coming up in a week, then school is almost over by that point. Well I have to go and do my Physics because that is due tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
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Today track ended early because Nellas wanted to get people to swim longer. I got to leave earlier in other words. I was so excited. I came home, and then my mom and I went and got dinner. We picked up Messinas pepperoni rolls. They are so good. I haven't had them in quite some time. It was a pleasant change. I then went to sleep. I woke up four hours later, since no one in my family ever tells me to wake up. I guess since it is almost midnight, I should be off. So here I go.
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Last night, I watched Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy with some friends at my house. It was quite fun. I also signed up for DGX's forum. After that last forum was infected by some online virus, everyone relocated there. I was just never informed. So I signed up. I also now have an urge to read. Don't ask. I generally don't like to read, but since I am going to read something that interests me, it is okay. Well it is time for school so I'm off.
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