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Where the postings get posted
well today i did not much at all. i got up after sleeping my max of 9 hrs. then i took and shower and waited for lori to get home. when she finally got home we went to the mall to get more school clothes and my school shoes. after that we went to the clubhouse to have lunch/dinner. it was quite good except i was trying to get to the tomnay house in good time, but it took over an hr to get lounge fries and a salad. it was terrible. lori still tipped the same though. then i came home for a min then picked up brian and went to play poker. chris brought out a limeade drink. its like lemonade just with limes. it wasnt bad. it was a lil too sweet though. i would have rather ate a lime itself. i love limes and lemons. then brian ended up winning and i came in 2nd. at the end i didnt really give a damn. but i ended up winning $6 but only a profit of 3. then i waited til my alarms on my phone went off then i got in my car to leave. pete walked to my car and asked for a ride, so i gave him a ride to his house about 100 ft away. now im home and im dling MandrakeMove. its a linux distro. its going to be great i bet.
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Well, Brian Ryan, I really don't have a comment to your post. I'd just like to say that your comments on my posts are longer than my actual posts! And your trying to take over my blog! You have your own! See, its right here! So here I am, posting like a banshee lover, the way you always do. This baby's gonna be like 10 pages long. wooooooooosh! I bet you don't even know who this is,cuz I'm a crafty devil like that. I'm still waiting for you to bring me my Taco Bell and Starbucks. Someday, my friend, someday. And, next thing ya know you're gonna be giving me letter grades on my posts, cuz you're always like "keep up the good work", and "good job posting". Its okay Brian, I like the encouragement. I think I'm done now, cuz I'm running out of useless things to say.
well today I went to bed at 6 am. then my mom came into my room and woke me up at 1045 so that i could go to the high school to get my work permit. after sitting there waiting for about 20 mins for the woman to even ask me what i was there for Mrs Mann walked in with her son. hells ya. then i got my permit and i left and came back home. lori and i dropped britt and ash off at ash's house b/c i had to go and get my physical. now all i have to do is get my "employer" to fill out the rest. my dad is taking it to him tomorrow for me. then lori and i went to walmart to get my dad a fryer for their aniversary. it was sweet of her plus we were waiting a 1/2 hr to go and get mto's. I LOVE THEM. then we picked up britt and went home. somehow i ended up falling asleep on my bed. it might have been from not getting enough sleep. then i called kay and told her i wasnt going to her movie night b/c i was going back to bed. then not even 10 mins later carey txts me to come down. but since im a good kid i went. plus she picked me up in her new car. it was spiffy. we watched the last samari. i know thats not spelled right but lets move on. justin brought it. the movie was awesome. care of course didnt like the blood. well w/e shes a lil baby. well soon im playing aoe with jon and maybe chris if he can pull it together. cyah all.
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well today i was going to do something with someone, but when i woke up lori told me that she got called off. so we ended up going to the mall. we went to get school clothes. britt got a lot of new clothes. she never fits into clothes so its all good. then we went into aero and i got 6 shirts for $38.50. i thought it was quite a bargain. its all new clothes that i dont even have. im juiced. and then we went to walmart to get school supplies. i ended up just getting my G2's and binders. then i came home and went to sleep. then my sister's friend came over to spend the night. her mom stood here and talked to my mom for about an hr. they always just sit and bullshit for hrs upon end. now im just sittin here and soon i might be playing AOE2 with jon and mason. i cant wait. lets hope they play or ill be depressed.
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well today i got up early so that i could pick up my sister at her friends house. she ended up stayin for a bit. then when she called it was during the downpour of rain. since my a good bro i got off my ass and drove over. then i took her to brads house since 910 was flooded. then i took mason to work and britt and i did some errands for my mom. we went to walmart for toilet paper and toilet bowl cleaner. we also went to the library to pick up a book that my mom ordered. then we went to tjmaxx b/c kelsey was working. then britt and i went home. lori and bill came home and bill wanted french toast for dinner. so lori being the good person made it for him. then i dropped lori off at careys for a shindig and i went to pick up mason at work. we went back to his house and chilled. then tim got home and we were talking to him. while talking to tim my phone starts to ring and its carey and she needs me to come over asap to go with her to manns house to talk to her. so i run over with mason and we go to careys. i called mann and asked her if she was free(being the considerate person.) she ended up being busy. so carey just spoke to her. then mason and i left and went back to his house to oogle at the new network. by the way i did some of the software installation of the network. its b/c windoze blows and the developers try to make it user friendly but then fuck it up in the end. so i thought like a moron aka micro$oft developer and i fixed it. now their comps are actually networked. well im either going to bed or playing aoe with mason and jon. well hope your lives are as fun as mine.
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well today i got up early. i also went to bed early so maybe that might be the reason. then when i got up krista was on and i was talking to her. i knew i was doing nothing today so i asked her if she wanted to go to a movie. after selecting the movie she accepted. we decided to go and see shrek2. well we got to the northway mall about a 1/2 hr early so we bought our tickets then went to old navy to look at clothes. then we went into the movie and krista then complained and decided to get some popcorn. then while waiting for this old lady fill the order in front of us, krista thought of jess and said that she shouldnt spend this much money on a small popcorn. so we went back into the movie. we watched it and i kept yawnin b/c i was tired plus i had seen the movie already. then after that we decided to go and see olar at work. so we stood and talked to her for a bit then we both got hungry for some chinese. we walked over to rainbow garden. it was good. some crazy lady started to talk to krista about how she should apply to work at her work b/c they need ppl for day care. then she said that she isnt sure if krista goes to school and if that might interfere. i was scared. then we went back over to talk to olar. oh ya and we brought her a menu from rainbow garden. then we left and went back to kristas house. i gave her the site to dl shareaza and she did. her folks came home and i left. then i sat at home and attempted to sleep. our house was so hot so i sweat the whole time. then my mom tried to fix the fan in my room and i told her just to leave it b/c it was fine. so you know she started to fuck with it. then i told her just to leave it how it is. then she got pissed and said that when she leaves im going to turn on the a/c. all i was trying to do was go back to sleep. then she yelled again and turned on the a/c. idk with her. oh well the house is really cool now. so im enjoying myself. thats the update for me.
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Sometimes i post on mason's blog. well his livejournal, but its the same thing. so stop on by some time.
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