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today i drove to mason's house. we had arbys for dinner and i got to drive him out of his driveway all the way to the other side of the street. i drove home in the dark like lori doesnt like me to. she is questioning me now about how "bad" it was. it was completely fine tho. oh well. i smell like smoke now. i need to shower. so im going to shower and then ill smell nice. then later tonight im going bowling with the tomnay twins. hell ya. i also found out that newwavegaming was down today. i know that josh is going to kill himself. im just uberly pissed. hope they fix it.
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Well today was going quite well until I went to havelkas. She yelled at the entire class today because it was the end of the day. She warned pat and brad about 10x a piece. She didn't even warn me and just said that she was giving me a Detention. And when I got home lori told me that I got one because havelka called. But havelka couldn't use the computer and access it. She can't use computers at all. Well its suppose to be scheduled for Tuesday unless she forgets. Lets just hope that she does. Todd finally dropped trig. What a smart person. I wish i could do that. I hate that class soo much. oh well.
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wow, posting rights! i feel so privileged. anyways, brian just sorta gave me some html and told me to redesign the site any way i want, so when im done it should look cool. but if not i guess thats okay too.
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New Wave Gaming And sign up for the forums! 0 Comment(s)
School - God I hate Slutkowski. She made us watch those god damn french vids again. This time there was a kid with a PlayGirl Mag, and his friend walked in on him. So the gay kid tried to tell him to leave but the other kid wouldn't (kinda sounds like a Pat kid that I know of.) So then the gay told the other french kid that he would give him a bj or some type of sexual pleasure. The gay kid offered for 40 francs and the other one flipped out. So the gay went totally emo and then the other one felt bad and comforted him and eventually gave him the money. The gay then got happy and the scene ended there, but you know what happened. And like usual we were kidding with rotto, and she took us seriously. We wanted to know what a chicken kidney tasted like, so she told us to fry one up. Everyone that ate it said it was really gross. Only matt z. thought that it was good, but hes a hardcore deer hunter. kinda strange but funny sob. Beck once again is retarded. She gave clint a DT for drawing a "boob". And she even said that our class is going to fail this test on monday so she proceeds to give it to us anyways. I'm so happy thats stupid fuck. I wish she would just pump out another baby. Idt I can take her anymore. Todd once again told me that he wants to leave trig, but this time he told me he's going to spend his college money at ENP. Which I thought was awesome. Well GO TODD. 8 cups. I got my parking permit today too. I didn't forget to bring in the dough this time though so I'm all good. I would like to drive to school starting tomorrow, but I know that lori will have the house in lockdown so that I can't leave with my car. One day I shall escape and go on a road trip. That day seems far from today tho. I can always dream. 0 Comment(s)
Mrs. Beck is the stupidest bitch ever. I cant stand her at all. I hope that i never become as stupid as her. she told us today that she learned from her work but in all actuality gabby went and told her. so she pawned it off as her own doings. then those cards she gives up and those pink papers make me want to shoot myself. I also completely failed my test in health. I guessed on all of them except the ways to prevent contraction of STD's. Track: No track once again today. It's Wednesday. So I won't be sore tomorrow but I prob won't go to bed early tonight either. Afterschool: I drove for the 1st time today by myself. I went to giant eagle for milk and english muffins. I survived and so did the car w/o any scratches. 0 Comment(s)