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well today i got up and burned a cd. then lori took my sis and i to walmart and shop and save. then we got home and then britt and i left and went to max and ermas. we got salads and cookies. we went to see yourish tho. then i found out that chuck and droesch were there. well droesch owed suzie lengle a meal but chuck just went along. then i think we really confused our waitress. she had no idea what was going on. then we came home and i cut the grass for lori. it is the 2nd time i have ever done it. i hope it was good. it looks ok. well later im going out and ill be busy all night. so ill post what happened when i get home or tomorrow morning. cyah.
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well i just got back from droppin jock at her house. she came over to watch the new peter pan that included real people. it was a really good movie i must say. jock really liked it too. it was kinda strange b/c i didnt burn it to a cd yet, i just left it on my comp and we watched from my bed. oh well. it was quite fun. jock also had her 1st chinese meal and liked it. she has never had any except once when she went like 4 yrs ago and didnt eat any of it b/c she didnt care for it. so i guess this would be her 2nd. oh well. right now im discussing with serena what she should do tonight. then later im going to go to kays for movie night. oh and last night i was winning big at poker/texas hold 'em and my folks were spazzing so i left w/o all my winnings. next time i shall prevail. baha.
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well yesterday i had an interesting day. i had yb at 10am. i showed up a lil late b/c carey and serena just had to have donuts. then it was 6 hrs straight of working. we finished quite a lot of pgs tho. i would say about 20. i was really proud. we have never accomplished anything even close in one meeting. well then i took those two home and stopped at careys for some of her moms amazing ice tea. its soo good. so then i went home picked up some frozen french fries and took them down. mother made us chicken salads. it was quite good. then carey and i had bubble wrap races. we would see who could pop the virtual bubble wrap the fastest. i was beating her for soo long until she got like an amazing speed. she could never get close to it again. so i eventually lost. then we just sat and talked about random stuff and she IMed ppl on the net. then i came home and went into a chat with devin and jess mann. it was her bday yesterday. so happy belated posting. then i watched athf and reno911 with the two of them. and i went to bed. well this morning i was awoken by a cell phone call. it was jenn and brooks. brooks called to tell me once again that im takin her to erie for a road trip. i said no as per usual. but then she said that she was hungry and wanted to go and get wendys. i also turned her down again. then i tried to go to sleep and krista txted me and my mom called. so i just got up. it wasnt even worth trying to go back to sleep. well here i am now and im off to shower b/c im gross from sleepin. cyah.
Update: today i also got a postcard from krista. its a few days after the fact that i am actually posting this trivial information but she is forcing me to. well w/e its here now so you better be happy. 0 Comment(s)
well today my sis had a bday party to go to. i ended up in CR a 1/2 hr early so i just drove around and talked to genna and woz. i then took woz and genna to wagners to get some jello for their dirt. it was fun. i dropped my sis and her friend off at the party and then raced genna to katies house. then i came home and played a rousing game of disk golf. it is like frisbee golf but with those AOL cds that you get in the mail for free. so i went to get anne to play but then i saw gabs and lara. so i invited them to play also. it was quite fun. i managed to hit anne in the middle of the back and gabs in the middle of her right arm. it was her pitching arm. lol. it was quite funny. lara got hit by gabs or anne. so actually everyone got hit by the disks except me. then my sis came home and i had to take her to swim. then lori called and told me to make dinner for father and i. i made a nice pizza (frozen.) it was good. then chris tomnay said that he was bored so i got in my car and drove over there. to my surprise i found john rodgers, kt, and corey there. so we all played texas hold 'em. corey won most of the time. i think it was rigged tho, but i was happy to get rid of all the pennies in my car b/c i hate them so. then we motioned to jump on the tramp and somehow chris got dizzy and started falling over. he wasnt drinkin anything but ice tea. who knows. then i just drove home and read some of my popsci mag. well i have a lot more to read so im going back to that so later.
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