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Where the postings get posted
well this weekend hasnt been so bad so far. i went to careys last night with ron, and serena decided to show up after a day long debate over it. we watched the italian job and anger management. they were both good but i liked the italian job much better. well today i woke up after sleeping a about 12.75 hrs, and i took a shower. wow exciting right. well here is the teeth clencher....i got dressed in my robe and wore that all day long. guess what guys? girl scout cookies are in. and i have eaten so many so far. well not really, but there are stacks upon stacks downstairs. so if anyone wants any just ask my mom said to sell all the extra b/c she doesnt want them in our basement anymore. click here if you would like some. that is about it so far for my great weekend.
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well... i guess kazaa isnt horrible for downloading music. even tho it has crashed rather frequently, an for no reason at all. the only real complaint i have is that you can only have one search window open. (which i cant handle, im a multi-taskin kinda man, you see.) anyways, im sorta havin the partyish thing tonight, only josh an chris can come because everyone else is too cool for us. but oh well. speaking of oh well, i was readin the blog and noticed that almost everypost contains at least 1 oh well. and apparently my mom talked me into washing the car with her, which sucks cause its not my car an i dont really care how it looks. so ill be goin an doin that soon. and brian told me that mrs mann supposed to be reading this blog, so HI MRS MANN. and then after that i think im going to *try* to fix my older ps2, if it works when im done we will have 2 ps2's, which would dominate. anyways, im out so see ya.
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well guys i just had track today. nothing really happened except that pat told mann about a porn remake of the cruicble that i found. well lets hope that she reads this. i told her to and even gave her the website for it. well thats it.
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aim: ant1s0c13ty email: ant1s0c13ty@hotmail.com 0 Comment(s)
looks like the blog is up to me now. today sucked. i went to yb with mitt. it was fun. she is such a retard and its funny tho. brooks was suppose to look into something for me but i never got to talk to her so ill find out tomorrow. i hope that family guy and futurama are ones that i havent seen yet. last night had repeats on both shows. well miss beck still cant teach and on a simliar note i cant do my hw b/c she cant teach so i just gave up and copied from the back of the book like she tells us to do which i still dont understand why she promotes cheating. oh well.
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in rottos today we were talking about ppl givin each other crabs (and not knowing what we are talking about) rotto chimes in with "PETE GAVE THEM TO ME." then for the rest of the period she kept askin what she got from pete. it was so funny. then in manns we went to the library to chill with miss kesler. god she is insane. she used a powerpoint to show us how to use the internet. it sucked soo bad. josh got his hw done tho so i guess it was all worth it. in track, richie dropped a weight on my foot b/c i wasnt lifting, but then again i was on my way out. oh well ill live. now im going to shower and sleep the rest of the night.
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Well, since I haven't posted in a while Brian decided that I should post... So here I am.
Today was rather un-eventful, well except for gym... In a nutshell, I suck at being gollie. But Oh well. I came home and did about 5 photoshop tutorials, which is always fun. Oh, I also sent everyone a really awesome valentines day thing I made in photoshop, to say the least, it dominates. And if you would like a valentines thing sent to you from me, (or I can manipulate it to say it was from you and send it to someone else) you can contact me on Aim Gee... I wonder how much people are gonna want it... =/ 0 Comment(s)