Well natalie being the blog whore that she is, reminded me that i have to post just so that she can read what i write. well on monday sometime mid-day i developed a rash. Dont worry its not contagious. and its also not AIDS as smith suggested. so you can come up to me and lick me at any point and wont be infected (if that tickles your fancy of course.) well since i have had that i have been taking meds so that it doesnt itch, and the side effects of those meds are drowsiness. every keeps asking what is wrong with me. and that is just it, im tired. even mother mann commented on it. she asks me everyday what is wrong. glad that she cares but ive just been tired. recently a lot of ppl have been pissing me off so i just want to flip on them. i sound like meghann or kaylee right now and i know it. but honestly some ppl are really asses. i know that sometimes i can be one of them, but these ppl go above and beyond my level of ass-ness. the 40 day challenge is down to 3 ppl: ron, pete and me. even tho others in the challenge decided to vote me out of it just because of a minor technicality, (kla lying saying that i dropped out when i really didnt. so pat dropped out thinking that i did. and i also lied to pat so im just about as guilty as her, but the fact of the matter is... i didnt drop out. ron and pete even screwed pat over to make him lose. so i think that the top of the challenge is close to a game of (i hate to say it) survivor.) well since i have been medicated i have been sleeping a lot more so therefore i wont be on the net as much (good for some but bad for others). well i have hw to do as usual so im off to work on the exciting stuff.
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