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Where the postings get posted
I was on /. today, and I found this cool site. The Prime Number Shitting Bear. Right now I am up to 153437. I am going to let this run all night. Well I am tired and have to get up early. Cyah.
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Today I had my paper all finished and ready to turn in. Then Nellas told us that we have to have the words "I believe" in our paper b/c without it he just doesn't know what we are proving. So once again I didn't turn it in. He said that if I turned it in I would automatically lose 35 points. So I just kept it and added that phrase to each paragraph. I just hope that it makes sense to him, because honestly this is the worst paper I have ever written in terms of formatting. Well I guess I should be going to bed, but we have a two hour delay. So I might just stay up a bit. I am also starting to update a website that I host off of my computer. I am using all the "Skeels" that I have learned in Clarks. Well I guess I should be off. Cyah.
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Today was another glorious day of track. It wasn't that hard at all. Just some cones, sprinting, and then a mile. It was a relatively easy day. Nellas told me that my citations for my paper were all jacked up. So I fixed them. I also got Mann to check my paper for me. I have to pick it up from her tomorrow so that I can make the corrections. I think I am just going to end up not doing work in Clarks and just work on my paper. Everyone else is behind me, so why not. So I just got ready for bed and I am done with everything else, so off I go. Night.
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Easter isnt for like 40 days why bring it up now?!?!?!
Danni and I went to Kings to eat. There was no line and it was fun. We take forever, and we both have OCD. So it made it so much better. Then we went to Big Bird to see my favorite video dept. employee. Then we went to Panera because Tara said she would be working. She got off at nine, but we showed up at like nine thirty. So we missed her. Then we came back to my house to watch Napolean Dynamite. I fell asleep as per usual because it was a movie and it was past nine o'clock. So at eleven Danni got up, and I woke up. So I drove her home and went straight to bed. Then Saturday I had to work. My dad's back was hurting severely so he didn't go to work. I had to drive myself to work. I haven't ever done that. I was so afraid of falling asleep, but doing 80 mph and listening to Franz Ferdinand on 79 just doesn't allow you to sleep. It worked out for the best. Then Saturday night I went with my family to Cici's. Kezia and Sam were working. It was nice to see those two lovely ladies. Then Sunday finally rolled around. I had to tutor today. It wasn't that bad. It was math so it was all good. I got paid so it is even better. Good Student + Good Pay = Great Job. Then I came home and wrote my paper for nellas. My research paper is at least 1/3 complete. I finished the biographical data. I just have to complete the novel summarization and also the comparative analysis. Well right now I am writing this because Megan told me to. If you ever want mentioned because you forced me into posting, just say so. Well now that I have completed my post, I am off to bed. Night.Edit: I almost forgot. Tonight was the last episode of Desperate Housewives. It was so great too. I wish there were more episodes this season. Nat and I decided that we will just watch reruns every Sunday until the new season starts up. I think that I am going to go into severe withdrawl without my weekly fix. Well just thought I'd update you all on that. Thank again. 0 Comment(s)