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Well today i went to careys for a family easter party/uncles bday. it wasnt too bad. i ended up in careys room with her and serena and the three of us almost fell asleep. well im pretty sure that serena was. then earlier serena and i climbed careys tree and shot marshmallows with the marshmallow gun at ppl. then tony shot us with the hose. i suprisingly didnt get too wet. serena was mostly soaked tho. oh well. then we decided to have a fire in the firepit. so since there was no wood, we had to go in the woods to collect it. well i went to protect ashley so that she wouldnt get hit by this one branch we were trying to take down, and i was the one that got hit. i now have a black and blue shoulder and a cut up finger. (lol oh well. it was enjoyable.) then during the fire session, carey is pokin the fire and a large hot coal lands on my leg so i hit it off and i just started to yell at her. within 10 secs of this happening a lil ash falls on me from serena and i just flipped out. i ended up like hittin her (not like ben did to his g/f. this was far less of force applied.). then i took her stick and threw it in the fire. i just started yelling. then about a min after i was done the conversation continued from where it left off. then once again carey was pokin the fire and flicked a burning stick at ashley and it landed on her pant leg. i scream "holy shit" and jumped out of my seat and hit it off. ashley said that i saved her life 2x tonight. and i would like to say that it extremely pisses me off when immature people poke and prod the fire. it is just asking for trouble.
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well today started off slow but picked up in the end. today i was layin in bed at 11 and my dad just walks in checks his email and walks out. then he comes back in and then starts talking to me. i guess he thought i was awake enough to talk. then he told me that i had to go to north park with him. so i got up and he made me breakfast. hey i didnt have to so it was awesome. so on our way home my sis calls and asks if she can go to the movies with her friend. (she was already there.) i just said that it was fine, and her friends mom was nice enough to pay for it. (family friends.) so it was awesome. then i came home and talked to jess mann. (hottie, let me tell ya.) she told me to call mikulan. so i did. she wasnt there. so i left a message. then i took a nap. next about a 1/2-1 hr later i wake up to the sound of ringing. i thought i was going insane, but it was only my phone. ashley called me back. it was convient that she did. jess was going to force me to call her back tomorrow if she didnt call back. so much pressure, but i did make the prom decision on my own. then i chatted it up with ash for a bit. then she said that she is going to get this one dress that she tried on before. its black. hopefully she got that one. it would be easier to match. i dont like flashy. then later, i was talking to mason and he told me about how ray r. and trav went fishing. ray being hick-like decided to wrap his shoes in plastic bags to keep them dry. so i talked to ray about it later and laughed with him. ray then said that he needed waders to go fishin. i told him i could make a nice set of hick-style waders for him. so i got the plastic bags out and started on my way. right now i have 2 legs done and im workin on the waist/crotch area. lori had to help me with this part b/c it was really difficult to even start it b/c its such an odd shape. then in the process of making the wader, tomnay called. he said that he wanted to do something. we couldnt make up our minds and he said to call him back when i had an idea. then as soon as i hung up i got a hankerin for some lounge fries. i call him back and i dont even say hi i just yell LOUNGE FRIES. (he got confused, but then again i started mid-conversation with him.) so i went out got the lounge fries. (i didnt know that you could get take out from the clubhouse.) i got fries with bacon bits on 1/2 b/c matts catholic. (his mom appricated this later. lets hope that she is finally starting to like me.) so then i took them and finally picked up my sis at her friends house. next i took my sis home and then trucked it on over to tomnays house. we watched part of rookie of the yr, then we went to angies. her mom made soup and offered some to us. i was soo sick after eating the fries i didnt have any. tomnay ate before i came to his house so he was full. so angies mom dbl bagged it for him. we thought that she just put it in two bags. so i went to look at it, but she put it in a container then two bags. "she didnt want it spilling in my car." what a sweetie. then she offered us cookies. i had one. it was also bagged. everything is prob bagged in that household. i also learned that Polish ppl bag things. then i went home and chatted it up on the net for a bit and looked at pics kla has on yahoo. and now im here. well i hoped that you enjoyed this post. i havent posted much lately. Yay for Brian.
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well today wasnt too exciting. i got wendys and visited a few friends. i was bed-ridden so i didnt go to track today. poor me. well hey meet on monday, yippy skippy. lets go brian. this time you might not scratch.
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well, today was kinda fun. all though the rave was canceled by the administration, we still had it anways, cause we're all true ravers at heart. it was pretty fun. then after school i went to work, and there was a bunch of old people there. nothing too exciting ever happens at work. anyways, after work i went to engelhardt's show. it was pretty cool, his band wasn't too bad. then he had like a screamo part which dominated life. the second band wasnt that bad, but they're lead singer guy kinda sucked. the 3rd band was pretty good, but me and josh left to play dance dance revolution. sadly, people were usin it or whatever, so we talked to joe and salsa, cause they were just standing around doin nothin. then like nobody at all paid much attention to the last 2 bands, they just kinda sucked really bad. then i just went home, and now im here. thats the end.
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well, today sucked ass. the highlight of my day would be my brandynew raverish longs(like shorts, only longer, get it?) they're neato. and just in time for the big rave. yup.
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This weekend I had a tournament in Columbus for soccer and met my relatives that i havent seen since i was 2, and since i got my first memory when i was 12 i didnt remember them. I also got a BOOBOO from Mrs. Mann's light switch during the rave. SO im resting until Wednesday. I had a track meet today and them damn Naggres and Cancer Patients killed me in every event. The best part was the way home eating cheese its and talking about how retarded, ugly, annoying, etc. tito is. Well im going to eat. BYE
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well today wasnt too eventful. i went to the mall to shop. my whole fam went so that we could get stuff for our upcoming vaca. 32 days and counting (well lori is counting. her cell phone has a countdown). so i got some cool stuff for the cruise. we were only looking to get me a pair of pants. we ended up gettin 2 long pairs and one short. then we got 6 shirts for me. my mom and dad didnt get anything, but my sis got one pair of pants. shes soo skinny, nothing ever fits her. between her and my mom they took 15 items into the dressing room and came out with only one that fit. oh well. we spent quite a lot for just one store. then i just sat at home on my comp all day. well im off to bed or ill miss the bus tomorrow. i know usually i drive, but my car has to be inspected. so carey and i will be ridin the bus like the good ol days.
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