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Hmm wow. yesterday was extremely boring. i found out that i only missed 3 pts on my test for havelka. that made me happy. then i went to track which i had shin splits when i got there and they only got worse. so krista came over to the high jumps with kla and i, and she wanted to stay with us but then nellas yelled at her and said that she will never do those. makes you want to cry when a person cant do what they want in a sport that you have to say what you want. she will be greatly missed. then i came home and sat on the comp all night long and did a few things. i called pat to work on our project for mann. wow ours is going to be so odd. i dont have to talk at all which means that now i have to talk informally, which i think that i would be better at anyways. i iced down my legs during futurama last night. and then i fell asleep and my comp shut down b/c of the power surge. oh well. track once again today then the weekend and maybe the movies.
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Just to warn j00, this will be long, but fairly interesting.
Well, school wasn't as bad as it normally is. Although, I did have to retake the Havelka test (Which I'm pretty sure I failed....) but after the test we got to watch a movie on pre-WWII which wasn't too bad. Clark's class r0x0red my s0x today! We played "Hollywood squares" except it was like a really crappy form that turned out to be rather fun. Lunch was teh sux0rz. (As usual) Me and Chris plan to kick out teh bumpkins and other retards of the table. Mann's wasn't too bad. I felt smart with Laura (Spelled right?) infront of me, 'cause she didn't really understand the poems, but I got a pretty good grasp of what was goin' on. Oh! Gym actually dominated today... well kind of. That one senior kid... I forget his name. It's Jeramiah I think. Well anyways... he set me as goalie. I was a bit skeptic at first, but I actually did rather well. Everyone called me "Grue" by the end of the first two games. But the last game, my sped-team had sit down, and I had to stay in the goal, which was basically teh sux0rz. I made a couple fairly decent plays on the "Good" team. but I kicked UBER arse on my sped team. Well, when I got home, I practiced guitar for about 30-60 minutes, played some X-Box, and then went to guitar lessons. After guitar, I went to Scott's house for Survivor. And Colby got the boot!! W00T!!! After Survivor, I came home and watched CSI which was a good episode. Then, I tried to do some chem stuff, but I'm too damn stupid, so I gave up on that. And well, here I am now. 0 Comment(s)
i walked into school today and was talking to sam and jj and as i turned my head i screamed fuck and slomkowski walked by and looked at me and said BONJOUR. i guess she thought i said something french b/c she thought it was uber funny. then during rottos we started our chicken noodle soup. i made sure to add extra salt b/c carey told me all yr that last yr's soup was missing salt. so i added about a tbsp more. pete had no idea why i did and krissy who knows wtf she was doing. so i just took charge like usual. then i had my test for havelka. our class thought that we would pull the wool over her eyes and get the review sheets, but the test was hella hard. so everyone failed. i know that we all did. gabby and kelsey even found out that they failed so i had no hope in doing well. so i just guessed and hoped for the best. i think she is soo stupid. (havelka i mean.) then 4th pd i had clark. i went did my review sheets like everyone else (copied) then i went with yourish to mrs olivers room to complain about how much i dislike havelka. she just laughed at me even tho i thought it wasnt funny. then stupid mrs beck sent a note down to the office to say that i skipped class and mrs krol called me over as i was walkin past and said i was marked absent. i was like dear god shes soo stupid. Then we played with the expo markers on top of hilary duff. it was so much fun. lindsay b. made her look like a clown. bob s. made her look like a devil child. everyone ones looked awesome except mine b/c i cant draw and i have no imagination. it was soo awesome today tho, b/c we had pizza hut pizza day. mmm i love it so. i had my usual 3 lunches. yes i did say 3 lunches. i ate it all except the fritos. no1 likes fritos cant they get that through their skulls. manns class wasnt as fun as usual but it was good to see that someone put effort into their presentation. mostly just becca tho. gabbys group had like quizes that they didnt even make up, but hey it is creative i guess. i would have made my own and been angry that they did that. wow and then today we were in health and mrs snowball put up and overhead with different types of drugs and the names and the street names for the drugs out there. the topic was street names and i didnt read the rest of it yet and i raised my hand and said "where are these streets located i have never heard of them" she just laughed at me. i guess i had it coming. and then she started to tell us about people that have had sex changes and how they can still be sexually active and have children. she got really in detail with it and mark d. kept asking her questions about it. who knows with that kid. then in mrs howells chem class i forced gabby to get the magazine out again and we drew on it. i had to fight howells for a dry erase marker. then the whole class went into a riot. it was soooo funny. she couldnt control anyone. then she came to me and said "brian was that your cosmopolitan that i saw you wavin around?" i replied, "mrs. howells it was cosmo girl. GET IT RIGHT." then she laughed and ask me where the mag was. i told her as clark would say "its not 'on my person'". then i told her gabby had it so she asked gabby and then she scolded her for it. then MISS YOURISH hit me and yelled at me b/c i was letting gabby take the blame. so i yelled to howells and told her that i forced her to take it out. then chris tomnay turns around and screams "BROWN NOSER!" it was a constant riot the last 2 pds of the day. it got so much better as the day went on. then i had track. got to talk to krista about her uber awesome website. (ill post the link eventually. when she gets it "pimped" out. i guess thats what youd call it.) i jumped with coons for a bit then we worked on our high jump. i got to leave early b/c i have to tutor my sister's 8th grade friend in pre-al. so now every wednesday ill be leavin early. so sorry folks. well my student got her hw done in like 20 mins it was 6 word probs. so i just sat there and ate beef jerky with her dad and listened to her mom make fun of her. it was good fun tho. oh ya and i got to watch a full episode of full house and the majority of 7th heaven while i waited for my mom to come and get me b/c i didnt take my car. well now im discussin my plans for this weekend with a friend of mine so ill get back to that now. sorry this was soo long for some of you, but i know that others enjoyed it.
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i went to dicks sporting goods today to get track stuff. so now im equipped with all the cool gear. well nothing significant happened today in school. track was also boring. the only thing i can think of is jess had a mondo wedgie and krista was sick and didnt go today. well lets all hope she gets better. well im going to bed early. later.
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I got up at 1 pm today. and rach h. IMed me and told me that i should go to see the passion with her, but they were leavin at 130. so i ran through the shower and breakfast. it was insane. then nat showed up late. so i just made fun of her but she liked it. lol. well the movie was good. i really dont know how to describe it at all. then i went to the mall and got new shoes for track. well actually they are new school shoes and now the shoes i wear are now track shoes. well w/e. coons said that they are going to get really dirty b/c we will be jumping in the sand quite alot. well nothing really went on today. so thats it for me.
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