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Where the postings get posted
well today i didnt do much of anything. i did make a few new pics in my bucket. so go to Brian's Bucket to see them. mason also added 2 new ones to his so go to them at Brad's Bucket. or just go to links in his post below. well soon im going to annes so that means i have to feed myself dinner and then get another shower to ensure that i am clean. well im off.
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well today was the last day of school. yippy. it was also a waste of a day. we just sat and did nothing most of the day. we got to have class tho in french. yay for slomkowski. then we played hangman with rotto. hers were always dumb phrases. mine were very interesting and i even made a long phrase that carried onto another one of the sliding boards. then havelka was talking about birth control and her baby. it was a bit scarey. then i just took masons camera and kept takin random shots. mann came through the portal and retrieved mason and i and took us back through. this was the 1st instance of authorized portal transportation. i was so happy. i had to go and see my grade on my final. i did considerably well. then later i got to come home and wash my car. bill and i did a quick but thorough clean just in enough time to go and get yourish and nate. then i drove them over to amandas party. the party was really fun. i ended up playin the finger game 3x. each time i think got progressively worse. i got a pic with julia and i got to gently hold her breast. well it was more like it looked like i was. bling(meghan) and i shared a piece of birthday cake and it was really good. i hate icing and she hates cake so we compromised. i scraped off the gross and disgusting icing so that she could have a plateful of it. she was laughin hysterically when she was trying to tell stories and joey and i just made fun of her. this then made the stories even harder to understand over all of the laughin. then i came home and fell asleep. i found something funny on the net about futurama. i thought id post it here. here is the link. it is about math in futurama. it makes me happy. well im going to bed b/c its late and im tired.
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hey folks. well the assembly we just had was so boring. i just found out that 4 ppl are going to case western. all nerds. but i just kinda yelled at neal for no reason. umm. i like shoved jess and she almost fell over. she was a bit distraught so she hit me when she got back from getting her award. well jess mann wasnt here idk where she was. but i txted her during the assembly and she kept callin me. mason called me too during the assembly. well i have to go to becks soon. well cyah.
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hey everyone im in clarks right now. allie just let me use my comp so that i could post. it was really nice of her. if you see her give her a pat on the back. thanks ALLIE. well the day has been going quite well. i asked rotto if i could call her hitler today and she said that i could. i was soo happy. so he marched like nazis. yay for nazi. well allie is takin over and im going to talk to krol so ttyl.
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well i went to camp this weekend and goody golly miss molly it was fun. i slept most of the time so yippy skippy it was fun. i watched movies all weekend and this was my "enrichment activity." god mrs talliani annoys me. umm. i talked to my neighbor at my camp and she recently ripped all of the tendons in her leg. yay for retard jackie. shes always injured. oh ya i also made pudding with lori. mmm mmmm. it was good. i dont like it warm tho. only cold. well if anyone would like to join me at camp that would be great. it would make the time pass quicker. and since i have my license i can drive the golf cart around as much as i want. so either male or female may attend my camp. for some reason my folks dont care but havin both male and female over my house "NO WAY IN HELL!!!!" well w/e if you would like to join me some weekend plz im me and ill see if we can squeeze you into my "busy" schedule. Click here to tell me your interested.
Update: im offically obsessive compulsive. it is a lil after midnight and i was laying in bed and i couldnt fall asleep. i was thinking about how my car had a big thing of bird shit on it. so i ran outside with a bucket and sponge and started cleaning my car. my dad was smoking and wonderin wtf i was doing. i seriously couldnt handle the pressure of it being on my car. now it is clean. well i came back up and was attempting to not wake lori, but she came out of her room and asked me what i was doing. so i told her and she just started to laugh. i have gone far beyond anal here my friends. it is getting out of control. well i have two finals to finish for tomorrow so im going to attempt to go to bed for the last time. lets hope i dont fail them. 0 Comment(s)