Guys im so happy. i found a cool extension for mozilla (it is a web browser, internet explorer alternative, much better i must say.) and the extension allows me to right click any pg that im on and it will blog it for me. im like hell ya. so i went to the library today and like screwed up about 4 comps. i love being a script kiddie. well we just moved on and charles didnt talk to us much so it was all good. i got nothing done their tho, but it was fun with mason and chris.
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well, i guess its time for me to post, since i havent for awhile. today was absolutely shitty, which probably means the whole weekend wont be very good. eh, what the hell can ya do tho, right? i have to do my cards for mrs mann's tommarow or sunday, or both i guess. and i kinda wanted to do my blackjack program, but i never feel like doin it. and blackjacks a long word, everytime i type it i wanna shorten it, but i know that i cant. i also haveto finish readin my drivers book, just becuase ive but it off for long enough. anyways, idk whats goin on and im not really tired, just kinda bored so i guess im goin to sleep now.
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well today is my last day of my weekend, i leave tomorrow for soccer. anyways i decided since i wasnt going to be home i might as well break the 20.
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well guys today i got my hair cut, then i rented some movies at giant eagle. i took those movies and watched them at careys. im pretty sure that every weekend for the last month i have been there to watch movies with her. everytime it is awesome. we had soo much fun. even tho i finished the required notecards i need to do more. i have like nothing at all. its terrible. so i might be going tomorrow to the library with mason and maybe tomnay to do some more. night folks.
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Yes!! NWG forums are back up...well kind of. We have started temporary forums so our viewers don't have to cry themselves to sleep everynight.
You can find the temporary forums HERE!!!
Yeah, most of you don't care, but I do.
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well matt in sorry to hear that. 19 days holy hell. idt i could last more than 2 days. i am watchin cartoon network b/c futurama was on, and there is this girl bathing nude in the water (anime). well matt idk why your trying for so long but w/e. enjoy. shes nakie again. and this guy is like watchin her while she is standing nude.
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so our bribe on mrs. havelka worked. And we made it so we all got points, except chris pat ronnie brad and everyone else. Only me brad and brian. ah HAHAHAHAH. Anyways i havent beat it in 19 days, i feel a wet one coming on.
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Wow josh. so much dominated, is there anything that couldnt have? i think not. well i got to drive to school today for the 1st time. as my co-pilot, carey mitt. then i took her home tonight after track. well im going to be sore so it going to be awesome tomorrow. thats all folks.
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Well, I stayed home from school today. Yeah, it dominated. I watched Nascar, and it dominated. I played my guitar. Yeah it dominated. And now I'm gonna go watch Survivor, and I know it will dominate.
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well, im free from work for 4 days. im so happy. anyways, i totally forgot all about my stockpile of bawls, so i figured tonight im gonna try an finish off my drivers ed book, and maybe take the test next weekend. probly not tho. anyways i really dont want to go to school tommarow. and i cant beleive josh is just skipping. idk what ill do without him in mrs manns. well anyways, probably tommarow will be devoted to hardcore blackjack programming, and if i finish it than brian can stop asking me for an up-to-the-second version of the game. well, i guess i have nothing else to ramble on about.
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hell ya josh. we'll have to have another shindig at masons to show it off. well i got to tutor today. it wasnt bad at all i def thought it would be worse than it was. clark ripped his pants today on a kathleen stewart microsoft book. it was the funniest thing i have ever seen. DOWN WITH ACCESS.
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FINALLY!!!! I got my X-Box skin today! It is so awesome.
It looks a litte something like this
Aren't you happy for me?
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I am now part of Brian's Blog. excelentizzle!
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today was really boring, except when i was talking to matt about family guy and how stewie planted a tickin time bomb in her uterus. then rotto screams from across the room, "whats in my uterus." everyone just stopped and laughed at her. she really deserved it tho. she was so offended. she thought that we were talking about her uterus. then i had track which was uber boring. well thats it. time for chem and food.
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well today was pretty pimp. havelka's wasnt that fun, but it really isnt anymore, becuase shes a bitch and never lets us have fun anymore. but chem was awesome, we made the greatest fucking ice cream ever. it was hershey's syrup with resees, cookie dough, m&m's, an oroes. and liquid nitrogen and whatever else was 'standard' in the mix. it was so fucking good, but it was really filling and when i came home i shit (...shat?...shited? idk) for like 15 mins, which sucked. but the ice cream was good, and thats all that really counts. anyways i have work today, which dosent make me too happy, but yesterday i got my $30 rebate from my memory upgrade. (yay!) oh, and im tryin to make v2 of blackjack, it should be awesome, complete with (shitty) pictures!well i just thought id post real quick before work. so i guess thats it.
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Well josh we all feel your hurt. I was just about to cry except Big Bubba bent me over and gave it to me big house style. well i hope that nwg is backed up and it didnt lose any of my awesome posts b/c that would be sad. NWG shall live on.
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Yeah, it's been hard these last couple of days without my NWG. I really miss it.
But I do have good news...and some bad news.
Bad news: when the hosting site went down (VGPortal)((Or something like that)) and they didn't have a back-up copy, so NWG is basically deleted from the face of the earth.
Good News: Our webmaster (Zak) has found a NWG back up, but we don't know how long it will take to get back up...
~Trying to Grow Balls~
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well today i got my dt from havelka. and she actually started to yell at the whole class for talking. i went and talked to oliver b/c its much better than sitting in health. she told me that willy mac is going to step in to control our class if havelka cant handle us anymore. oh well. havelka came up to me today to smell me b/c i smelt like chicken from rottos the previous pd. pete burnt the chicken on one side and it took forever to clean off. tomnay didnt cover his chicken in cornstarch and rotto had a spazzum about it. im pretty sure that everyone screwed up their food in food prep today. track is so much fun with rach. it would be fun with carey mitt if she wasnt so god damn fast. then again im just really out of shape so maybe shes average, but she is a track star you know. well i feel bad for josh. i also dont like that NWG is down. i know that everynight josh cries himself to sleep because of it. well josh i hope that you grow some genitals soon my brother.
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I think the fucking internet hates me!
First, New Wave Gaming has been down since like Saturday. And now MSN is down, so I can't talk to a bunch of my friends. And I don't feel like playing X-Box right now, or look up any Photoshop tutorials. So looks like I'm gonna have to be bored tonight. Well, I'll update later.
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well, i get to go to work today. and i hate work. it ecspeccially sucks on monday, cause i know i still have to work tues and wed too. anyways today isnt goin too good. well it was, until gym when they made me be goalie, and a got a puch/ball thingy slammed into my right nut. that sucks ass. well anyways all the hardcore kids bought mrs havelka a loligram thing, and then we got one for mrs mann. i just thought that was something to be proud of. and i think pizza hut pizza day is on wednesday, which is pimp. well enought rambling on, my fingers are getting tired (of typing, that is) so lata playa.
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Hey i didnt forget, i was too busy working in photoshop. i love this prog so much. if i could marry a source code it would def be this prog. i like the progs down to nothing but the source. its soo sexy. i made some cool stuff. if you want to see it just ask. i made most of it from a tutorial, but some of these people leave so much out that a n00b like me cant handle it. so i just screw everything up on purpose (its legal for me this time.) i am so proud of myself.... i got all of my research paper notecards done. i bullshitted on most of them tho. idt mann will care tho. well im going to bed soon. my official bed time is 1. meghan dugan and i discussed that that's when all the cool people go to bed. night.
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whoa, i forgot i was a part of this thing. anyways, today was really boring, but i went to the mall. that would have been fun, except that we only got to stay for about an hour. i was real proud of myself tho, over the weekend i made a blackjack program! it dominates for the most part, except the dealer always gets 0, which kinda makes it easy to win. oh well. anyways, yea i forgot about all thos things for mann, but ill do them someday. oh well, enough for tonight, im out.
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Well, Brian didn't post today so I thought I would. Today was boring. Didn't do much at all but play X-Box. But I did watch Boondock Saints last night, and if you get the chance, rent it. It even dominates Excel.
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