josh your a worthless piece of shit. oh well. yesterday i had a few ppl over to watch movs. it goes to show you how many friends you actually dont have. lol oh well. it was ok i guess. krista tho kept pinchin me. you lil hoe. ill get you and your lil dog too. bahaha. then today i did running with lori. we went to grove city and did shoppin. i went in 4 stores and i only got a pair of sunglasses. youll have to see them. i think i actually look good. lets hope so. then i had to go to my sister swim meet since we picked her up at swim camp today. then we had to sit through the awards ceremony. it was terrible. now im home and i put together my new comp chair and now just in a chat with some amigos.
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People havne't posted in a while.
Well, that's it.
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well today i cleaned from the time i got up until my folks got home. i rearranged the downstairs furniture. now it is easier to view the tv from any seat you sit in. and i also cleaned my moms desk out. it had sooo many pens and pencils since she gets most of them free from work (drug reps). then lori, dad, and i went out and got wendys. they screwed up my order by putting cheese on it. and if you know me well enough, you know that i dont like cheese. so i took it up and they made me a new one and i kept the old one. so i just scraped off the cheese and had 2 sandwiches. it was quite good. then we went to blockbuster and i saw mr. and mrs. richard. i kept trying to duck away from them b/c i said something to mean beck and she told mrs. richard. so now im pretty sure mrs. richard dispises me. no eye contact is key. then i came home and chatted on the net and fell asleep early as usual. then i woke back up like usual. so now im typin this b/c only devin is on and there is nothing else to do at the moment.
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well another update for today. after i got home from enp/walmart i went outside with my dad and ripped apart the lil playhouse that has been there since i was lil. my sis didnt want it tore down but since shes not home she doesnt have a say in this at all. then krista read the last posting and said that she in fact ate something this morning. so there it is, krista. then carey said that she got me a bday gift so i went down and collected. she got me bubble wrap, bags of air(giant bubble wrap im told), a hat umbrella, a yd stick, and about 1.5 gals of her moms amazing iced tea. then we watched bulletproof munk. it wasnt that bad. then we sat in her comp room and she chatted it on the net then i had to lug all of that stuff home. so now im sitting here sick somehow. who knows.
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Today was boring. I got up, watched some episodes from my Aqua Teen hunger Force DVD. I went upstairs a made Brian's banner. It was very "spur of the moment"-ish. Oh, and my X-Box USB conrtoller converter came in the mail today! It dominates so much. It basically allows me to play on my PC with an X-Box control. So it's very good for all the roms that I have on my computer. Well, That's it.
Oh! I almost forgot. On my way to the movies last night, I got to ride in Keith's awesome 2004 Mustang GT an you should all be jealous!!!
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well sat was careys surprise party. she wasnt too surprised tho. oh well. it was quite fun. im pretty sure after carey chased me around her house for like 15 laps my shirt is now stained permanently. carey and i just got cake on each other. her icing matched her clothes mine was just cake and icing smeared into my hair and shirt. well yesterday i had to go to my cuz's baptism and it was quite boring. then we took my sis to swim camp and dropped her off for one week. yay. then we went back to my grams for the baptism party. i hate parties they always take forever on the carlson side of my fam. then i went to bed early and woke up early to take jess and krista out for breakfast at enp. it was fun. jess and i kept eating and krista couldnt eat anything b/c "shes doesnt have breakfast." then after that we went to walmart and just wandered around for about an hr. we looked at bras for jess. sorry to say none were tried on or bought. then krista just had to go and look at fabric. we just walked around the arts and crafts section. she didnt really look at the fabric. then we went to the toys and jess and i jousted against each other. krista stepped in the middle and i got jess. it was a great victory. then we had to see the fish. 1/2 of them were dead as usual. and then krista and i just shook the dead one in their container. it was funny. jess just got grossed out. then since it was almost noon and jess had to be home at 1030 we left. then i dropped everyone off at the respected houses. now im home and i just finished helpin my dad install a new facet in the kitchen. we now have a hose and can squirt ppl as they walk by. baha. also my sis just called and wanted to talk i guess. she said that she had 2 mins to talk b/c she has to go swimming. oh well. i think i might go and lay down b/c im tired from the last 2 days. if i dont go then im chattin with ppl. but i know ill sleep eventually.
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Well this weekend was pretty odd. Yesturday morning at like 11:00 or so AM (I was still sleeping) my Aunt just comes in my room and tells me to get up and get dressed and that we were gonna go to Sand Castle... Now I was pretty hesitant at first, but since I had nothing better to do I decided to go. We got there at around 1:00 I guess and left at about 6:30. It was pretty fun, but I remember being a lot more fun when i was younger. But I will say this: There should definately be a Health class field trip to there because you can learn a lot about the sex organs of female and male....(Mostly female) =) Well anyways... after that I went to my little cousin's world series baseball game. It was a good game up until the last inning, one of my cousin's friends missed a ball and caused the other team to win the championship. I felt bad for my cousin's team, they played good but came up short... Oh well, better luck next time I guess. Well after that we went back to their house and I slept over. When I awoke today I was in the middle of putting in my contacs when I realized that one of them wasn't in the case... I guess it hopped out or something... because contacts can do that nowadays. Well at around 4:00 I got home and took a shower, got dressed, and made a CD for my little cousin ('twas the least I could do since he lost the championship) Well after the CD was made, I went over to Scott's house to eat and watch the end of the Nascar race, It was a pretty good ending but Jeff Gordan won.... Oh well, it could have been worse. Well I got home and my brother decided he wanted to go see dodgeball, so we went to the moveis at around 9:00 and got back at around 11:00. Dodgeball was very funny, but I hear either you love it or hate it, luckily I was under the "loved it" crowd. and now it's 12:25 and I just updated my "Horrible song o' the day: and it is Finger eleven - one day. Well, it's been a pretty good weekend, and hopefully the next week can be as good as this one. Oh and... DAMN this was a long post. I hope you read it all.
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