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What a wonderful Xmas it was this year. I got an Xbox and also Halo2. I have probably played about 6 hrs of it so far. I had to go to my grandma's so I had to cut it short. Well I also got a stack of DVD-R's and DVD-RW's since my mom thought I had a DVD burner in my comp. My dad and I just laughed at her b/c she had no idea what she was doing. So she said that she would go out with me later this week to get the drive if I still want it. She also fouled up by buying my dad the same gift twice. She changed her wrapping procedure this year, so that threw her off. She didn't even remember that she got me GTA:SA. I thought that it was really sad that she forgot something so great. Not as great as Halo2, but still great. Well I should be getting to bed soon b/c tomorrow is another day of Xmas, but it is with my dad's side of the family. Well I can't wait to get my Xbox and my sister's PS2 hooked up to the net so that we can play online. I now have to go out and buy the router/hub and also the wiring so I can throw this together. I think I shall speak to Mason on this. He networked his house together. Well now I'm off. Cyah.
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Well today I slept in until 1 pm. Then again I didn't go to bed til 1 am. So to quickly do that math for you... I slept 12 hours. It was so great. I was glad to sleep that long. Then I got up and went browsing for a new car for my dad. Now I know you are thinking to yourself... Brian, didn't your dad just get a Vette? The answer would be yes. He needs a car to drive in the winter though. So we went looking today. It was quite enjoyable. Then I got ready and went to church. I got to see some faces I haven't seen in quite some time. Well the service was nice. I made a bin out of my bulletin. It was a box with no top. When the candle lighting part came, I lit my candle and dripped as much wax as I could into the box. It was so cool. Lori wasn't too happen though. Oh well. Then we left and I came home and just sat around, and here I am. Well soon I am going to bed I would think. I can't wait til tomorrow so that I can get gifts. Yay for the greatest capitalist holiday ever.
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Well today was pretty much just a blow off. I did almost nothing all day. We got to play Clark again in Multi-media. I beat him this time. I was so excited. This time I didn't get bonus individually, I got bonus for someone beating him. We had 3 ppl beat him today I think. It was such a good day. Then I went and tutored again. We did just a bit and I was finished tutoring. I am available now for anyone that needs assistance in the math dept. Just don't expect me to do Growth and Decay problems (Calc) or anything that I haven't learned yet in Calc or above. You can IM me here. Well if you ever need any assistance just ask. I am willing to help as long as I get some return from my assistance. Well bed soon. Night all.
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Well today I pwned Nellas' test. I was so excited. I only didn't know a few short answers, but I just took shots in the dark. In Clarks' class, we had the opportunity to put and get bonus. I was so excited. I had so much fun in there today. I didn't get any though. I almost beat Clark though. I wasn't that disappointed though. Well I want to shower so I am going for one of those then bed. Night.
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Well tonight I did some more teaching. I think I might be getting better at it. Lets hope. The family I am teaching for also served me dinner. It was awfully nice of them. Once I got home I studied for Nellas' test and then took a shower. I talked to Olar after that. It was nice of her to chat for a bit before she had to go and talk to her dad. Well I am off to bed. I shall see you all tomorrow and be ready with the ass cushion, because this test is going to hurt.
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Well I just finished watching Desperate Housewives. It was a good one. I called Olar during every commercial. It was fun. I also got to hang out with Nicole. It was fun. Nothing really big happened today at all. Well w/e. I am going to study for Nellas (ya right) then I am going to bed. Night.
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