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Where the postings get posted
Well I haven't updated in like two days. Quite a lot has happened. Wednesday was my last day of school. It was really fun. Well only parts of it. Jess dropped the ceremonial chain at school. Then she screamed "SHIT!" but she was far enough away from the microphone that no one heard her. Then after school was over, I went to Loser's birthday party / end of the year party. It was quite fun. Kelsey and I started the pool trend. We are soo cool. Then I went to Elisha's to party some more. She had a cookout. I got there as everyone was leaving. There was a total of four people remaining when I left. Then I had to work yesterday. It was pretty much the worst thing ever. I hated it. Since my job is really easy, I like it. Then I got home and went to pick up the Cancillas. We then went to Yourish's house. I understand that Yourish lives down the street, but the kids wanted to come. I did the good deed of picking them up, because they are good kids. Then I came home around 10:30. I sat on the comp until I fell asleep. I woke up and then went to bed. I woke up around 11 today. Kelsey actually called me and semi-woke me up. When I say semi-woke up I mean I was only part way sleeping. I really hope that makes sense. Now I am just sitting here because my folks are working and my sister left for a swim meet. Tomorrow is Relay for Life. I can't wait to go. I am going to have such a great time. The only bad part is that Howells' daughter isn't coming. I wanted to meet her. Oh well.
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...did you reaaallly have to bring up the chain thing...i mean for real...haha and you should really stop lusting over your chemistry teachers daughter...its just wrong, and to be quite honest, disturbing.
I thought the world was coming to an end yesterday. I came home and my computer would no longer access the internet. Many people think they aren't addicted until they don't have it. If I was a drug addict, I would have had the shakes and done anything for a quick fix. I actually went to Mason's to use his computer and to hang out. I told him that I wasn't coming to use his computer, but I guess it was assumed that I eventually would need to. So then I called my local ISP, and they suggested that I "swap" modems with them. So today I went with my mom to get a new modem. They took the old one and let me keep the cat5 cable. I was so excited. I can use the extra one for something now. After finding out that it wasn't actually the modem, I called Mason's house to get the phone number for Linksys tech support. His dad and I joked saying that most likely I will be calling India. What would you know, I spoke to someone with an Southeast Asian accent. I then found out after two tech support specialist that I fried my network card in the storm yesterday. So I took Mason with me, and we went to Walmart and both Radio Shacks to find a new network card. Mason offered to give me one of his, but I decided to pass so that I could just have one of my own. Both Radio Shacks were closed by 830. I honestly hate that store. They are only open when I'm not home or when I need them. I always end up resorting to Walmart. I ended up buying some Linksys knockoff brand. All of the boxes there were sliced open and the plastic wrap was coming off. So we both weighed each box to make sure that they all included the same items. I chose the box that was the least damaged. It was a really tough decision though. I installed the new NIC and it works perfectly. XP detected it as a Linksys NIC. That made me proud. Well I have to catch up on all of the online stuff now. Cyah everyone.
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yay Brian I'm glad to see you back!! woo woo... I think you used some words that I didn't know but it's all good. I mean if I were you I def be using people for their internet... It's the new cool thing to do.
This weekend wasn't too eventful. I cruised Route 8 on Friday with Kaylee. We hung out at the C-house mostly. Then Saturday I had to work like usual. After that I went to the 1st Grad party of the season. It was a lot of fun. I then came home to a home without family. I guess I could have had a party of my own, but I just didn't care/think about it. Today I woke up and sat on my computer all day. It was glorious. I looked into graphics and sound cards. Then I looked at some cool Linux stuff. I am currently downloading Fedora Core 4 Test Build 3. I can't wait to install it. If you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry to hear that, and please don't ever talk to me.
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