well today i woke up and called jess and krista. we decided to go to get ice cream. on my way out my dad told me to drop off film at walmart. so we went to pappy's ice cream 1st but they arent even opened yet. so i just kept on driving. then we went to walmart and just walked around for awhile. krista just HAD to go and see the fish so we did. jess ended up naming one alvin the wise. i have no idea why tho. then as we were leaving the pet dept. there was a woman givin samples of dog food. so me and krista decided to test it out. it had no taste at all, except the after-taste was terrible. krista kept spitting the entire time just to get the taste out of her mouth. the woman that gave us the food told us that we cant say that she gave it to us so that she wouldnt get in trouble. she asked if it tasted like dirt or something, but we reassured her that it had no taste. then we went to mcdonalds and got food. i got 2 apple pies and a dbl hamburger. we saw eli, regis, and lindsey at mcdonalds. eli said hello being the nice person that he is. then we went to edwards where i got a med vanilla ice cream cone and a med vanilla milkshake. then i took the ladies home and then i picked up pat. so pat came to chill at my house and that is where i am at as of now.
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well today was extremely boring. i ended up falling asleep in french when slomkowski was talkin with the lights on. then she told me that i could manage to stay awake. then when she put on the movie and shut off the lights, literally the entire class went to sleep. then i had an argument with rotto on how i wanted to make 2 ice creams, but she would have it no other way. during chem today we got new lab partners. i ended up working with mark d. i cant stand him. he never does anything. and it angers me so. i really want to get a new one or just get howells to tell him to get a new lab partner. that really angered me b/c i cant stand him at all. just something about him makes me angry. so i went to track pissed off. jessie c. just sat there and listened to me bitch. idt she even cared after awhile. later tonight i went to the play once again, but this time with krista, genna, alyssa w, and carey. it was still good even tho i have already seen the entire thing. oh ya and jess slean was there too. that loser went to see it again. this time she went with this really hott kid. i think his name was ryan slean. but i bet there is no relation. me and krista laughed like all night. it was soo fun. then after the play was over i took krista and alyssa to the great china buffet, but they were closed. the open light was still on even when we walked in. so we decided to go to wendys. it was too much pressure for me so i didnt order anything. but then again i wasnt hungry. but krista and alyssa are so funny. they are insane. so then i took them home and i just laughed the whole time. well that was my night. now ill prob be here for a bit or maybe ill just crash soon. im not sure yet. i guess it depends on what i want.
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Well, today was a laid back kind of day... untill the end of school. But the beginining was laid back. First period we had Englehardt's mom... 'nuff said. Hvelka we had that one chick talk to us about the schedules. French, Slomkowski just told us some stuff, and then we ate awesome cookie/cake things (So good!) then Clarcks, which is always easy. Lunch was OK, the Bumpkin crew wasn't too bad. 3-D art was another easy class. Mann we just handed in our papers and watched the movie some more. Gym just worked out. Chemistry we took a test... I failed it. and then we went down to get our report cards. No "F's"! W00t w00t! Went to Guitar practice, and then came home for Survivor and CSI. and here I am now. Wow, this post sucked.
'Till next time cracka...
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ill just write a short post for today. i dont want to overshadow brian's post. anyways, today was cool until we got reportcards back, which sucked ass cause i got like 3 d's. oh well. i think im acctually gonna try on this last 9 weeks, just for the fun of it. anyways, i acctually got my digital camera today. its definatly pimp as hell. anyways, after i got my camera kaylee came over and we had arby's. then she had to go home then i went on the internet, and thats my day. alright then, im out.
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Well today was semi exciting, but tonight was better. (ill get to that in a bit.) today i got to eat during french. the britainna bread was really good. olar and i thought that it tasted like cheesecake. (slomkowski told me tonight that it was made with sugar, butter, and flour.) well w/e it was, it was good. then 2nd pd rotto went gestapo on us. she ordered all of us to "toss" the pasta then sit down. we never do it that way so we just did it how we usually do it. she went insane. she was yelling and screaming. it was most unnecessary. then we had oliver today for havelka. she got to talk to us about scheduling. it was nice to let my ears have a rest. then later in the day i found out that track was canceled. it was a bittersweet moment. it was like hailing outside. it was insane. i didnt want to go out b/c of that. then i wanted to go so that i didnt have to do anything except my event within the 1st 20 mins then eat. you win some, you lose some. after the track announment, we were sent back to homeroom, but i stayed in howells room so that i could call my dad on my cell. after i got off the phone with him, howells said "brian you say 'mrs howells can i use my cell phone?' not just use it w/o asking." shes a funny lady. i thought it was ok to use since her cell phone always goes off during our class. i guess she's "Mrs. Popular." then i went back to homeroom and benke had to hand out report cards. he got to my name and stood there and read it for about 5 mins and just kinda hummed. then he said that he was proud of how well i did. i was like umm??? ok?? then slean went up right after me and then she got the same speech from him. he only did it to us. i guess we are his favorite, or at least the crew that he will allow to try his "special" coffee. i had track next. it was ok i guess. jumping practice is always easy. i just kinda danced with myself. no1 wanted to dance with me. olar, krol, and jessie just laughed at me and wondered what was wrong with me. then richie decided that he would suggest doing suicides. so coons being the wonderful woman that she is, allowed us to do them. we did 5 of them. and dave capen on his 3 run with me stopped on the carpet and ripped it up. i think i was the 1st to notice. i started screaming at him and calling him a retard. then everyone started to laugh. then the next run he ripped it more, and then he tripped over it on the way back. everyone just laughed at him. later tonight i went to the play. i met up with danni there. i got to sit with her, mostly b/c i have one friend and she is a good one to have. i mostly bitched the entire time on things that were wrong. i found out that we have a few rich bastards within deer lakes. mr mark cancilla would be one of them. he has like season tickets for the front row of the play. who knew that there was such a thing. maybe next yr i can buy a set so that i dont have to sit so far back. i got to talk to a wonderful group of ppl tonight during intermission. it consisted of jessie colosimo, dane, slean, and kristen olinski. jessie asked me about the posting about what my dad said about women. then jessie asked me if i liked anyone. i told here that i have no sexual preference, but i do like the guys track team. then i turned to dane and said that i have been keepin an eye on him. and then she seriously asked me if i was gay and liked men. i replied with a shocked "are you serious???" then i told her that i liked gettin my ass pounded everynight jail-house style. (sarcastic of course. had to comment that b/c i know that some of you are retards.) then the whole crew just laughed. oh ya and the play was good too. almost forgot the actual reason for going. but hey i had an awesome time afterschool today. its nice to get out of this hell-hold. i sometimes like to call it home, but you call it what you will.
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oh ya i forgot to tell you folks but i put an ad over by the links over there.
the ad is for mozilla firefox. it is 10x better than internet explorer. brad and i both use it. and we are completely satisfied. im actually happier with it. it has the same format as ie and this browser even has extensions. aka makes it cooler. and i also had to remove the link for NWG b/c it is dead, but ill add the new location of the NWG guys in a bit. i just need to get the link off of josh. i think thats about it for html updates. enjoy your day.
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today i had a track meet. i am pretty sure that i got last place, but that is ok. i scratched all three times. the last one i scratched only by less than an inch. i asked the guy to measure it and he said it came to 12' 4". that is one foot more than last meet so that makes me happy, but i was angered at him b/c we got 5 minutes to get our steps and do run throughs. i got my steps and that was it. so i had no idea where i was, and because of it i scratched my 1st. i moved up to correct my run, and the 2nd time i was over by a 1/2 of my foot that i moved up "just in case." then the third time i thought that i was fine, but i guess not. just happy. off to sleep momentarily.
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well, today was rather boring. i dont remember anything from school, i guess it just sucked. and then at work, they're now saying that if i get done at 6:30 i have to wash the floors too. im lazy. so i dont want to. so today i just washed the rest of my dishes really slow and left. then i got home and finally finished my report thingy for mann. that makes me happy, because i dont like knowing that i have to do a report, especially because i dont want to do it.
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well, today was rather boring. i dont remember anything from school, i guess it just sucked. and then at work, they're now saying that if i get done at 6:30 i have to wash the floors too. im lazy. so i dont want to. so today i just washed the rest of my dishes really slow and left. then i got home and finally finished my report thingy for mann. that makes me happy, because i dont like knowing that i have to do a report, escpeccially because i dont want to do it. anyways, im buyin a digital camera on thursday! yay! no really, i am. i guess thats all i have to say.
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oh and i forgot to mention, josh i feel for you, i know its hard losing your best friend (NWG) and the song in your info is sad...
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time ta post! today was kinda gay, everyone was all sleepy and blah all day long, i don't remember any of my morning classes, but they couldnt have been all too fun. then in mann's we must have watched a really boring movie, cause i couldnt stay awake, except for the fact that everytime i fell asleep i felt myself falling so i like woke myself up i guess. weird. then we all attempted to have a rave, but we were e-less, and everyone was half asleep. it wasnt too much fun. then in chem awhile back she had us get sheets and pick 3 ppl that we wanted to be our partners, then she made groups 'the best that she could'. she said she got everybody's picks about 90% right. then she read them off and almost everybody's partner was wrong. but i was with engelhizzy and pete was with mr hepler, so our groups were right. then afterwards she said if we didnt like our groups to just rearrange ourselves. maybe its just me, but im pretty sure that defeated the point of filling out the cards and having here make the groups based on picks. oh well shes crazy. then i went to work an none of the old ppl even asked me what my shirt meant, which was cool cause then i didnt have to talk to them. then i went to kaylee's and we watched 7th heaven or w/e was on. then i came home an sat around and wasted some time. thats all, folks.
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well today was one of the most interesting days so far this year. i woke up on time and everything. i was just a bit sluggish. i was ready to go and i was early, but then i had to use the restroom. this therefore made me extremely late. so i went and picked up carey and she yelled and said im really late. well we go to the stop sign at nighthawk (street in the plan). and we see dan, anne, and lara. then once again she commented on how late i was. then on the way she said that im not gettin a space b/c we are soo late. so we went to pull into the school and i noticed that right in front of us was nick brucker. he had a different car today than he usually did. today he had a green lincoln unlike his purple-ish mustang. so we follow him in and we see that there is a cop car there. carey and i are utterly confused. so they stop every car in front of us and talk to them. carey being the bright girl that she is put the parking permit up. they just waved us on through then. so i went to pull in the 1st lane b/c i really dont like to have to park without pullin through b/c its just easier to park. well nick is still in front of us and he decides to pull off to the right. well i just kept on going through, but since the cop was there i went extremely slow. i see nick pull into two parking spaces (idk why he just couldnt have done one tho). so i just kept on going and then i look over and i see the back of his head and i just see the car coming at us. then i just think that im going to get hit. i look straight ahead and there is jessie colosimo and 2 or 3 other girls. jessie's mouth is dropped and just in shock to see what is happening. then i feel his car hit the side of mine and the wheel just lurching out of my hand. i just sat there and had no idea what to do. the cop then just walks over and says "you guys need to trade information." i was like umm ok? i had no idea what to do. so i went and parked my car and took some notecard out of my car and a pen. so we met 1/2 way and were writing on someone's car. i have no idea whos it was tho. nick had no idea what happened, and i was completely shocked that i was in an accident. even tho it wasnt major it still was one. i had so many things running through my mind at that point it was insane. i was like omg my insurance is going to be soo high right now, and other things of that sort. so i just go inside. by this time carey already left me she was too shooken up (i guess) to stay and find out what actually happened. i told brittanie hashke as i was walking in and she was like wtf just happened. then i went to my locker still in shock and i just threw everything in and was like 2 mins late to homebase. i saw mann in the hall so i had to tell her plus i had to talk to her anyways. so she wrote me a pass. benke didnt show up until late so he had no idea that i was even tardy. then later i called my dad to ask him what to do. i just called during history b/c we finished 10 mins early. he just made sure i got all of the info and then everything would be fine. so then later i went to becks and had a test. i needed to do my test, but my calc wouldnt have it that way. it was having a seizure of sorts. so beck let me borrow hers. then i walked into chem later and just had to scribble stuff in b/c i completely forgot to do it all. and then i went down to the office to get a vacation form and beck commented on how my day sucked, according to what she heard and was glad i have a positive attitude. so i guess shes not 1/2 bad. then i went to track and it was easy and i got out like 1.5 hrs early. then i came home and slept it all off. well my apple pie is ready. the timer just went off. time to eat my way through my troubles.
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hmmm, the weekend was a bit... odd. Well Saturday morning my mom comes in my room around 8:30 and says "Josh, we're goin to camp, and we're comin' home tomarrow morning." Well, my first reaction was to yell "GET OUT OF MY ROOM! I'm trying to sleep!" But since I'm a semi-nice guy (well, I guess that's in the eye of the beholder) I said "Camp's ghey. It's so boring" well to make a long story short, about 3 hours later I find myself at camp. (woo...) When I got there I sat around and played Halo on legenday. But then my little cousin's came over and we went to a basketball court. After embarrising myself for a half hour, we went home, and I sat by the fire with the adults while my brother and 2 cousin's went inside. (I'd much rather be with the adults because of the whole maturity thing) well anyways, we were out for what felt like 4 hours, but it was actually only 8:30. Yeah, camp days go pretty slow. After sittin around the fire, we went inside and played Hearts. (card game) I did real good at the beginning, but my Aunt decided she hates me and gave me the Queen of Spades (Bad card) 3 times in a row, and I ended up coming in 3rd out of 4 people. After everyone left, I went to bed on a very uncomfortable mattress. Got up pretty early, had an omelette and some juice. Well anyways... We left camp around 2:00 and got home around 4:00. (Just in time for the last 100 laps of the Nascar race) Kurt Busch won... =( But Rust Wallace (My favorite driver) came in 2nd. So it was good. After the race, I took a shower and played X-Box for a long time. Got on the computer around 10:30 and played some games.
The weekend wasn't too bad suprisingly, but what makes me sad was that I didn't revise that Mann report. Oh well, hopefully I can give it to her on Tuesday.
'Till Next time.
| Later. |
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whoa, posting two days in a row! yay fer me. all weekend i have been on a techno music downloading binge kinda thing, and i have to say, aphex twins dominate life. anyways, today was just kinda... interesting. i got up, walked around a bit then i made some toast and contributed to the family breakfast kinda thing. anyways, after that i got my dad to take me to the little hockey fest at east union. once pete ron an toph showed up, we started playin alittle bit, but 2 vs 2 isnt very fun. to make it a little more exciting, i made an alliance with ron, then me and ron made an allience with toph, so it was us three vs pete. even though in ten minutes we all gave up. then we went back to ronnies, sat around then went to ceclianos. i got some pringles, half gal of marburger, and a paper bag (brown). anyways, we went and played at the playground thingy back at east union. then pete started actin like alittle kid. then we played some b-ball, and pete continuted to act like alittle kid, only this time he was flashin his fat around. really scary. then we went to back to rons house to get picked up by toph's mom, and toph let the dog out. so we went on a mystical journey to get it back. i was armed with my sceptor of strenght, which added +5 to all skills, so we were safe. ron kinda chased his dog all around, then the rest of us just walked around taking up space. then we went back to toph's house and sat around, ate, b-balled, trampolined, sat around, and made fun of pete. then pete coughed/sneezed up some odd mixture of saliva and snot. i asked him what the exact ratio of saliva to snot was, and after playing with the mix for awhile, pete concluded that it was 60% saliva, and 50% snot. i dont know exactly how that works out, but those are the statistics, straight from pdawg himself. then i came home and did nothing, then thats the end. it was exciting to be there, but im sure it didnt sound all too exciting for you ppl to read. oh well, not my problem. lata playas.
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Today i worked on my research paper. i am happy to say that it is done unless mann says otherwise. which means ill be back to the drawing board. then after that i went to the store with my dad and got food for dinner. while there i saw richie, jared, and angie. i chatted it up with ang while my dad stood in line. im pretty sure she cant bag and talk at the same time. it seemed hard for her, but i could be wrong. then i went home and got my ass kicked to the curb. thank god i was only going to dannis. well we walked around the plan. we went on every street except careys and brians. then we stopped at yourish's and chatted it up with her, said hi to meg and ben, and then we stopped in the middle of the street to talk to mann as she drove by with her husband. then we went to the mann household to chat it up with jess. i got to take her sister outside. well actually i dragged her but i was just kinda aggrivated with her. jess just wasnt controling them like a good dictator should. then danni and i went to my house for a bit of grub. i had steak and danni had a whole two helpings of salad. duh duh duh duhhhhhhh. then she left me while i tried to put my contacts in. i met back up with her after running the whole way to her house. mark finally showed up. so then we walked about 10 houses from dannis and we stopped at manns again. we stood there for about 45 mins and chatted it up. lara attended 1/2 way through. then we left there and walked a bit more around the plan. we finally ended up at laras house and just jumped on her tramp. mark likes to use the other form of tramp though. but as long as he pays for them its ok. then it was a "Spoon-fest." it started to get cold and everyone just huddled together. well my feet were cold the entire time b/c my legs over-extended everyone elses. there was no one to comfort me except mark. and thank god he was there for me. well i have to do my hw since i decided not to do any of it at all this weekend. so im off to the hw.
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well today(yesterday acctually but oh well) was interesting, i guess. i sat around all day, then my uncle invited my family to go to dave and busters, which was awesome. we have 17,000 some tickets, but we dont know what we want to spend them on. it was alright, i didnt play that many games, i just found a few that got me a bunch of tickets and played them for awhile. except i played some missile command and mrs pacman (you cant pass up the classics.) anyways, it was kinda cool, except that everytime i go there i want to play the giant mech game that costs $20 but i never have time, or i forget. oh well. then i came home at like 10:30, and all you kids were sleepin. so now im just kinda sitting around. i guess thats really it then. bye.
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