I got to go to my sister's award ceremony last night. It was kinda boring, but I sat with Chris and his family. They are quite a family. They all make me laugh. Then I came home and helped Jessie with a few things for Trig. Don't think I did it for her or let her tell you that. I did it for the pure joy of doing math. After I finished helping her, I just stood there and talked/laughed with her family. I really wish that my family was funny. We hardly talk to each other, and when we do, we are either complaining or need something. I should be going though. School is coming up soon. I'm off.
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Tonight was the Alias Season Finale. I thought last week was it, but tonight was the last night. Nellas tried to tell me that there is still more Alias to come. I am going to flip out once I see him tomorrow because this was such a good episode. I just didn't care for how it ended because it kept me in suspense. I hate finales. They always make me angry, but then again I will watch next season. Tonight was also the NHS Induction. I got inducted into that, and I made Top 10% of my class. I was certainly excited for that one. I mean I have to get to sleep so that I can go to wonderful school tomorrow. Night.
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I must say Kudos to Robert for having an amazing song that I have never thought to dl in his info. The song is sandstorm. I have always heard it at the dances, but I never knew what it was called. So I gave it a try. For some reason I fell asleep listening to this song last night. It was reallly strange. I would also like to say that I am going to see Star Wars: Episode 3 this evening. My dad wanted to go and see it, so my mom rented Episode 2 for him and I to watch. I just watched Episode 2 last night. It was really good. The one guy at my work said that Episode 3 was amazing. Then again he is a Star Wars fanatic. He was at the midnight screening and preordered his tickets. It is so sad. He is so funny though. I can't wait to see this movie. I need to do some stuff before I go though. I have to find out when the movie is playing and decide if I am going to K-wood tomorrow because I don't have a partner at this time. If you know of anyone that needs a partner make sure you inform me. Thanks folks.
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