well, i figured id post agian to make up for my lack of postings. actually, i was just really bored. anyways, i acctually sorta started work on my blackjack game, i think it should work right an everything this time... i swear to god. anyways, now that i can put off mrs mann's report for another 2 weeks and do it the night before its due, im goin to try and finish my blackjack game fer good, then go an get my permit. and i think im gettin my dad to take me to the record exchange this weekend, they got cheap used games, and games are fun. speakin of games, ive realized that i have never completed a final fantasty game. never. so ive decided that since the ps2's in my room right now anyways, i might as well get on that. so i guess ill do blackjack programming by day, final fantasying by night, and then just guess on all my permit tests. maybe not. but whatever. im out. 'g night, folks.
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