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Where the postings get posted
hey everyone. right now im in clarks class and im really bored. so i decided to post. so far nothing has happened except that i hit tomnay with a turner and rotto wanted to give me a DT. oh well. then i took my history final and i literally got done in 15 mins. clark isnt here. we have carrington. hes a fun guy. yay for old ppl. i let brooks read the last post and now ill prob have to call her back over to read this one. well lets hope that everyone had a great time at school today. well class is ending soon so i am going to go and then go and listen to beck to teach about nothing and just talk to MOF all pd. oh well. cyah later.
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well today was quite interesting. i had my 3rd part of my final in rottos. it went really well. so i hope that i eventually pass that class. then i had havelkas and she seriously flipped out and was ready to kill mason. everyone was pissin her off so bad that 4th pd she gave out 2 DT's. lets hope that she doesnt go through with them like she did with mine. shes just a spaz sometimes. then i took carey home and i asked if i could come in for a bit. she had no problem with that. so i ended up stayin a bit then her mom asked me if i wanted to stay for dinner. then i was there until about 20 mins ago. carey said that 5 hrs was enough. well i decided to leave on my own. i know that i could have waitied a bit more but i was gross still from the 2-ish mile run that we did. it was a lot of work for me since track w/coons was really easy and never hard work. well im going to go and watch kill bill b/c i had never seen the 1st one so ill talk to you all later.
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well today i had my essay part of my english final. i am pretty sure i failed it. i finished my projects so that made me happy. i talked to nate and yourish tonight. well i have to discuss the details of the shindig with yourish. if we actually have one then ill update everyone. most likely ill forget or she will and therefore nothing will occur. so dont get your hopes up. well im attempting to play "match maker" even tho its more of a forced occasion. you should all be proud. in one yrs time i have completely turned around and creating not destroying relationships. yay for me. well its def time for bed for myself. i can barely stay awake. well night.
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hey everyone. i just finished my trig hw that we already had our final on. yay for beck being smart. well tonight i accomplished 2 projects for mann and now one to go. i worked really hard all night so tonight is going to be a well spent sleep. then i have to get up and have finals. then i have to skip homebase to go to clarks to work on QUANTUM. oh god. i hate it. its so boring. oh well, clarks cool and i like computers. well im going to bed soon so cyah.
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Holy Shit, on the way home from KENNYWOOD we drove on every street in homewood atleast 3 times, and got lost and turned around atleast 20... The black paople scare the shit out of me... *no offense to anyone..* Then as we were heading towards the middle of ghetto lost as hell we get pulled over by what we though was an ambulence, but was a cop car...They guy was being gay and thought we were like selling drugs and finally this lady told us to look at ourselves and that we know we dont belong here.. Finally we got on the right way home and made it back in 1:30 hours.... Double the time is shouldve taken.... DAMNNNN i was SCUURRED... 0 Comment(s)
well today was kennywood. how eventful. 1st i got to kennywood and i went the bathroom. i really had to go. while standing there my cell phone starts to go off. there was no way in hell i was going to piss on myself just so that i could talk to this person. well it was krista. she was calling to say that she was in the mass amounts of ppl at the gates and will be in the park in about 10 mins. so the folks and i waited for her to come in. then krista and i went on the phantom's revenge. well here is the ride count for today's rides:
Phamtom's - 4 Pitfall - 2 Racer - 2 Aero - 1 Gold Rusher - 1 Jackrabbit - 1 Noah's Arc - 1 Thunderbolt - 1 well today krista and i were mostly on our own. we were playing a "seek but also not be found" type game. we wanted to find brooks and them, but we didnt want to find the 2 timin whore. so we darted in and out of the shadows just to accomplish our mission. we only found brooks and them once then after that we went to eat and they were never heard from again. well krista moaned all day about how she "had" to find brooks and it was just gettin out of hand. i wanted to ride the "classics" but krista would have nothing to do with that. we had to compromise to ride what we wanted. i seriously had soo much fun. chuck even shook my hand and called me a champion; i was so happy. there are so many great things that we saw. we saw a girl with a "sweet pea" tshirt on and she was soo fat. i certainly didnt want anything that sweet (might cause cavities). then there was this one kid that had a french sayin on the back of his tshirt so i took a pic for slomkowski. krista almost got ran over by an electric wheelchair. the children at this park are out of control. they are running from place to place and weaving in and out of people and it was going to potentially cause and accident. well i really did enjoy myself with krista and im glad that i finally found someone to go with. lets hope more good times are coming. ill certainly need them after finals this week. 0 Comment(s)