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Woah, its been a while since i did this... I have been really busy with Track and Soccer. So yestarday i thought i would be nice (and no1 would take me later) and go early and watch the track team compete. I only had to sit there for 9 hours, and these 9 hours were extremly boring. I finally got to run about 930 and we got killed by 4 team in our heat, but the good thing is that i ran my best time... YAY!! Then when i got home angie was with zach and 2 other people and they came over and were totaled, suprisingly zach wasnt. So angie stayed and called her mom, and about 1130 her mom came. Well im going to do something so off i go.
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well, i was playing a rather involving game of 2 player slime volleyball (byself, its actually quite fun) when i remembered that brian will go nazi on my ass. so, i figured id post real quick then finish up this mann thing. yea, i procrastinate pretty bad. anyways, i havent posted in awhile because ive been busy on the chronoshock forums, and otherwise jsut wasting all my time. i did get some things accomplished tho, like i finished blackjack v1.9! yay. if you want to try it, just im me and ill send it to you. and i got a new email(ant1s0c13ty@gmail.com). so if your bored you can email me. well i really don't have anything to say, so im just gonna go now
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today i had french test that i studied for so i passed it with flying colors. then i took the gargoyle from slomkowski's filing cabinet and she didnt really say anything. then i put it back and miss peters in front of me got a lil distrot. she kept turning around and saying that it was staring at her and scarin her. i just told her that it was looking at my beautiful face. then i had food prep and it was fun. we got rice pudding and glorified rice. they were both gross. once we are done with everything we just sit there and today was insane. pete hit my face and since my cheeks hurt from the dentist yesterday it just hurt more and i kinda like threw pete to the floor and brian commented and said that it is a sad day when i owned someone. it just made me chuckle. then history was really funny today. here is a good joke (adapted from the orignal context):
Que: Where do you find the most bilingual people in the United States? Ans: On the shores at low tide well it was a question havelka asked us in class and that was the response chris zilka gave her. she flipped, but it was really funny. then the rest of the day mostly sucked except the track meet was canceled and rescheduled to thurs. and i "just wasnt feeling well" so i took yourish home. then tomnay and i went to wendys for a old time remedy. i think it did the trick. tomany is by far one the stupidiest people i have ever met. he seriously said about 10 stupid things within a 10 min period. it might have bypassed some of our average stupid ppl. but we still love him and most of the stupid things were jokes so we forgive him also. now im working on manns hw and i still have to study for french. 0 Comment(s)
well today i once again (as usual) had a case of the mondays. everyone seemed to be suffering from this terrible disease. for some reason i am the complete opposite. i love mondays. everyone is sleepin and you can yell as loud as you wont b/c the teachers are the same way. the notebook check for beck which was suppose to be hard was just about the same difficultly as the reg ones that we have. so idk wtf she was trying to pull getting everyone frustrated. i went to the docs today once again. yay for them. then i went to get my hair cut. i saw cullen there so i talked to him for a bit til i got called. then my sis, dad, and i went to wendys. (i have been going there a lot recently and i love it.) well i got home and worked on my hw and watched some tv. i studied for french so that i wouldnt be cramming and failing. then i went to get my track stuff ready for the meet tomorrow and i cant find the jersey. i am soo stressed right now. i know that the last person to have it was me. i took it from tomnay at the invitational. then we all walked to my car. then i dont know where it went from there. i even checked my car. my mom, dad, and i searched the entire house. it is empty. so idk what to do. i sent a txt message to jess in distress. (i know that she hates txt's unless they are important, but this one was so i think it will be ok.) so idk what to do. i know that nellas is going to flip out. and idk what to do b/c i cant compete until i have a jersey. so i think ill just borrow one from him or maybe jess might have swiped it and didnt even know. but i just hope that i find it or ill end up rippin out my hair. well its time for bed. the medication is setting in.
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well i went to the invitational on friday. i didnt get invited i went to support my fellow track members. well i took jess and tomnay. we stopped at wendys on the way and just got the food to go so that we wouldnt be late to the meet so that matt could do his one event. on the way we got behind a truck carryin 1/2 of a house. it stopped in the middle of the road and pulled over. so then we had to wait about 20 mins for it to move. so i sat there and ate my big bacon. then when i got to the meet coons yelled at me for not getting her any food. so i just yelled back b/c i knew that she wasnt serious. then later brooks took the blocks so that she could run, but never retrieved them. so they were lost among the pine richland blocks. shibbs being the nice guy that he is sent me on a misson. Operation: Retrieve DL Blocks. so i wandered around the football field for about a 1/2 hr just lookin for these blocks. it was cool to be up close and personal with the runners as they ran past. then i had to go b/c lori was yellin at me b/c we hadnt left for camp yet. so i took tomnay and jess home (e.m. pulled another muscle so tomnay didnt have to run). then we went to camp aka hell. well hell was ok i guess. while at hell i watched 1.5 movies, 2 discs of family guy, and a whole lot of tv. well the positive of going to camp this weekend was that i went to grove city on sat. i got new clothes for the cruise that i prob wont wear to school til afterwards. you know i dont want to get it dirty before i go. then on sunday i watched family guy with my entire family. then we packed up and left. as soon as i got home i had to run a check over to jess manns house. for some reason when i go for just a few minutes it ends up to be a long time. i think i was there for at least 2-3 hrs. well mother and father mann left to go to the store and were back before i even left. mother mann, jess, and i watched discovery health or something. it was insane. then i came home to eat dinner with my family. then i sat in front of the tv some more tonight. i seriously slept soo much this weekend. i tried to sleep the ride home from camp but since i slept so much all weekend i couldnt even force myself to. well what can you do. now im eating ice cream and ill have to do my chem in a bit so i should be postin tomorrow. see you all then.
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