Well school was a complete waste. almost nothing got done. i had a trig test today with beck and i f'ed over a few probs, but thank god i had my prog b/c it did it for me. i was so happy afterwards. the assembly today was really stupid. like honestly it couldnt have been any worse. yourish kept yellin at bryner b/c hes retarded. but it was really funny tho. shes so mean but at least shes honest. then i went to game/dance tonight b/c carey told me told. well i wanted to leave within the first 5 mins and so did she. the two of us and justin were trying to plan an escape plan but then the two of them i guess just gave up. so natalie deluca (once again shes in here) tried to teach me to dance b/c 1. i cant. 2. i just cant dance in front of ppl im not comfortable with. and kla let me do a grind with her. but it was more of a 10 sec joke. i guess she thought thats all i could last since its been so long since i have releaved myself. well i hate dances and i always get pissed after them. this one didnt make me mad so i guess this would be considered a good one. i finally saw what olars b/f looks like. she just described him. i never actually saw him before. then after the dance me and carey had a hankerin for a frosty so we went to wendys and chatted it up for a good 1/2 hr. then i took her home and thats where i am at now. im going to bed now b/c i have to get up early for yb and i have to go and pick carey up before i go.
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Yeah, today was a pretty crappy day.... Well except for Miss Mann's class. It was so smurfed up. But I think we went a little out of control with some of the polls. but Oh well. When i got home, I tried to work on my drawing a bit more, but it still doesn't look that great. I'll figure something out. Oh by the way...
NewWaveGaming is back up!! I'm so happy that it is finally back. But the big drawback is that the forums don't work properly right now, but we'll fix it soon enough. Well, that's enough outa me.
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well im alive.... or somethin like that. today sucks, i just dont feel like doin anything, not to mention that theres no good drugdealer vs cop maps goin on with warcraft3 right now.... and im really pissed at aim, i downloaded the new one today and its bloated as fuck, they just put as many little buttons as they could and made it a real pain in the ass to use. i would love to switch to msn messenger, but for no reason ie shitted it self and now any program that uses ie just dosent work. (luck for me, the only programs that are set to use only ie are micro$oft progs, and i dont really use their shit. all the other progs just use your default browser) and kazza's still bein shit, its likes to take up all my cpu power to do nothing at all. thats awfully nice an all, but i prefer to use my cpu power by myself, i dont need a shitty program to do it for me. the only program that always comes through for me is winamp, i have yet to have a problem with it and ive been usin it since last dec. well, todays lookin kinda grim, so im thinkin ill just go see if theres any good maps to play on battle.net, then ill go take a nap or somethin
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I had to update so that you could all hear this. Well my mom (lori) leaves early in the morning occasionly depending on the shift that she is working. Well today was another one of those days. She came into my room to kiss me goodbye or something and it jolted me awake. I started swingin my arms and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" so i accidently hit her while i was sleeping so she held me down so she didnt get hit, then i woke up started yelling and was struggling with her. This is the second time i have started to attack her after jolting awake. Last time i called her a bitch b/c i was dreaming that lori left and an impersonator came back and it tried to tell me it was her. The impersonator and her comin in my room co-insided at the same time. So i started to attack her. I always feel bad after it. So I was awake this morning at 4 am and just sat and talked to her for a few until she left. Well I have to get ready for school, I will update you all tonight when I get home.
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the 40 day challenge is semi-hard. like sometimes the urges are soo great i just want to drop out and others im perfectly fine. mmmmm cant wait til i smell like fish tomorrow in food prep. im going to the game/dance tomorrow. just about everyone i asked except dugan isnt going. so i think its going to end up being me, care, and meg cheerin on brother clark. well since havelka is a crazy pregnant woman we didnt get the notes today and we arent gettin the review sheets. so im going to fail now, but we have a plan. har har har. i got the history notes from yourish. the coolest table buddy in chem. and i will get the review sheets no matter what. well night all.
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today was boring as hell. the only fun part was going to sit with brooks, ash, jocelyn, and kla in english. i was only there with them for like 5 mins tho. i got to rummage through everyones purse. no1 had anything that i was lookin for. just ashley is "soo 7th grade" according to brooks. in chem today i accidently deleted all of my progs off of my calc. so right now im dlin them and reinstalling all of them. and then earlier today i screwed my calc again. i was using my TI-Linux and i hid the files from my os so i couldnt see them. they started to take up ram so i completely formatted the memory. so therefore i also needed to dl those progs. well its has been fun but now back to the hw.
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well tonight i worked on my trig program again. i found out today that i cant have my answers as decimals b/c that would be too easy for us. so i found a prog that was already written on the net and then copied the needed parts to mine. i reconfigured my prog so now it works and gives the radical answer. i am sooooooo happy. now i dont understand any of my hw but as long as i get the right answer (which i am) its all good. well if you didnt understand any of that its ok, its the inner nerd talking. well i am almost done with becks hw. oh and i didnt go to track today because carey wasnt feeling well so i just drove her home. it was just easier on me b/c i slept all evening so it was good. now i have to practice my last step for coons so i dont have to run on thurs. oh well. ill do it when i go and brush my teeth in a few. well im going to bed as soon as i finish the hw and brush my teeth so im signin off.
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Today... well today was just like bending over, and lettin' Pat get you up the ass. First off, none of my favorite teachers were here! I mean seriously, does Mr. Clark hate us? And We were stuck without our brave leader: Miss Mann; but we had Englehardt's mom as a substitute. We were quite bad in her class, and I feel bad for her. Chemistry was pretty fun, though. I'm lab partners with Bill Bryner, and Pat and Allysa Yourish are across from us. Yeah, we pretty much shitted around the whole time, and when it came down to it... I didn't know what the hell was going on. When I got home I decided to read some more of my book (It's called Left Behind, you should read it, but it can be a little to preachy for some people) but a hlaf hour into it I decided to sleep, because I was exhasuted the whole day. And well, here I am... I smell food. Hopefully dinner is done soon.
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mmmmmm right now im eatin beef jerky from mish farms. if you like beef jerky your going to love theirs. but anyways, wow havelka is a sped. today we played the review game and just kept deducting points off of everyone b/c since it was our last game no1 cared. it was quite fun even tho she eventually got pissed. i also took a can of soup to jess manns this morning b/c she was sick and i made a card on my way out of the door. (we had a funny ass convo last night at 1 am so i just had to be a good person and run some soup over.) we had mrs engelhardt for mrs mann today. it was chaos, but i kinda felt bad for her. shes a nice woman. brad engelhardt is comin back tomorrow. that poor sob missed out on our last review game in havelkas. oh well he will live. oh ya i almost forgot its ashley krols bday so if you didnt say happy bday to her here is your last chance. track was fun today because we did almost nothing, but we learned how to do the last step before the triple jump. i can't do it right. coons said that if we dont learn it by next monday she is going to force us to run laps at practice. looks like i might become a long distance runner. i got to poke krista today and she then poked me back it was kinda funny. (maybe im just retarded tho.) well off to program on my graphing calc and do my hw for beck that we didnt finish getting notes on. since we are havin a test in like 2 days lets just hope that i dont fail. and as josh would say ONWARD!!
update: jocelyn is a bit angered with me now. she wont really talk to me at all. and jock i am sorry. if you dont know why read below im pretty much just an ass to ppl for no reason. and if you want to help me out click this link to apologize with me. Thanks everyone.
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today i worked on my outline and its almost done. i hope that it is up to par with what mann wants considering that everyone failed it last time except a select few of you asses out there. i also fixed it so now when you click our names under our posts you can directly IM us, because honesly who wants to email someone. no one thats who. well i have to finish my outline then maybe ill finally leave the house. hope your weekend was better than mine.
update: i finished the outline and the essay. my essay for mann is about abigail going from salem to boston being a whore then getting killed by a jealous wife with an ax. it is a good one. if anyone would like a copy just ask, but dont ask til after tomorrow b/c i want to turn it in 1st.
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today wasnt momentous at all. the only good thing that happened was that i went to EnP for dinner with krista, slean, and brooks. it was odd like no1 acted like themselves at all. oh well. it was fun. brooks was totally excited that i drove. she should never drive b/c she didnt understand that when on a steep hill the car rolls backwards unless you have your brake on. shes going to end up killing someone. well i still am disappointed in jocelyns choice in guy tho. i feel really bad for dave. hes lookin for some lovin ladies so help him out if possible. im pretty sure pity sex would be good. im him here. Ladies work you magic.
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