Yesterday, we had a two hour delay. That means that during Nellas' class only one person went. That one person would be lovable Megan. She didn't even finish. Oh well. She is going today, and I even got to be one of her "Poster People." Oh ya. I didn't get to go on the field trip due to the two hour delay. School Policy states that if a two hour delay occurs, then the field trip for that day will be canceled. I need to finish my breakfast then I am off to school. Cyah later folks.
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Happy Birthday KrolWell today is March 1st which means it is Krol's bday. Good for her. Well track was a doosy today. I was honestly about to pass out multiple times. I don't feel well at all, and I believe that after track I lost weight. I went to put my pants on, and they were having trouble staying up so I moved in one belt hole. Even at this one, they were still falling off. Well I just dont feel well so I am going to bed after I get my stuff together for the field trip tomorrow. Night.
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I watched the first half of Kill Bill today. It is such a great movie. I think that I will go out and buy it, unless Olar is going to do the Easter Gift Exchange like I suggested. I told her that I just wanted Kill Bill, but I was too lazy to buy it for myself. So I told her that she could buy that for me then I would buy w/e for her. I would feel like I had a real friend that knew exactly what I wanted. Well I had to shut down the Prime Number Shitting Bear while I moved my computer. So since I restarted it, I am now over one million. I also worked on my research presentation tonight. I got three slides done so far. None of them have backgrounds, but that will be okay. I'm not going until Thursday at the earliest. Today four people were supposed to go, but only two went. I was so excited. Let us hope that this occurs again tomorrow. Nellas is going to be so pissed that this is going to take forever. I am off to bed now. I shall talk to you all later.
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Today I had a Bayer meeting with my group members. We worked, but I wouldn't say we got much done. I think that might be my fault though because I was trying to make our PowerPoint not look shitty, and Emery was trying even harder. Well I was going to make the attempt to put a PowerPoint together for Nellas' class. I ended up having a dieing urge to watch both Kill Bill volumes. I found out I only have Volume 2. So I went out and found Volume 1. I am going to watch it tomorrow. I did go and get the Kill Bill Volume 2 soundtrack tonight though. I love it so much. I can't wait to listen to it in my car. Well I am off to bed soon after I finish my HW for Watts. Night all.
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