time ta post! today was kinda gay, everyone was all sleepy and blah all day long, i don't remember any of my morning classes, but they couldnt have been all too fun. then in mann's we must have watched a really boring movie, cause i couldnt stay awake, except for the fact that everytime i fell asleep i felt myself falling so i like woke myself up i guess. weird. then we all attempted to have a rave, but we were e-less, and everyone was half asleep. it wasnt too much fun. then in chem awhile back she had us get sheets and pick 3 ppl that we wanted to be our partners, then she made groups 'the best that she could'. she said she got everybody's picks about 90% right. then she read them off and almost everybody's partner was wrong. but i was with engelhizzy and pete was with mr hepler, so our groups were right. then afterwards she said if we didnt like our groups to just rearrange ourselves. maybe its just me, but im pretty sure that defeated the point of filling out the cards and having here make the groups based on picks. oh well shes crazy. then i went to work an none of the old ppl even asked me what my shirt meant, which was cool cause then i didnt have to talk to them. then i went to kaylee's and we watched 7th heaven or w/e was on. then i came home an sat around and wasted some time. thats all, folks.
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