Well, today was a laid back kind of day... untill the end of school. But the beginining was laid back. First period we had Englehardt's mom... 'nuff said. Hvelka we had that one chick talk to us about the schedules. French, Slomkowski just told us some stuff, and then we ate awesome cookie/cake things (So good!) then Clarcks, which is always easy. Lunch was OK, the Bumpkin crew wasn't too bad. 3-D art was another easy class. Mann we just handed in our papers and watched the movie some more. Gym just worked out. Chemistry we took a test... I failed it. and then we went down to get our report cards. No "F's"! W00t w00t! Went to Guitar practice, and then came home for Survivor and CSI. and here I am now. Wow, this post sucked.