well, im sure most of you already know that the local giant eagle stopped selling marburger (and if you didnt know that, you should have) we were all quite concerned here at the mason dwelling, so my mom called to see if we could get our weekly 8 gallons deleviered directly to our house. well when she called she got some lady, and she was like 'whoa, are you the lady that always bought 8 gallons at a time?' and my mom was like 'yea' and shes like 'why dont you talk to my dad' and then my mom talked to Mr. Marburger for like 40 minutes about nothing, and he told her that the real reason giant eagle stopped selling marburger was because giant eagle told him not to sell his milk to any walmarts and he did anyways so they stopped selling all his products. so anyways, mr marburger recomended to us that we start a petition so that giant eagle realizes how much money they are losing from not selling marburger products... i just thought that was neato... anyways today was just kinda gay cause i had work but it was easy and anne asked me to look in the garbage can for something with waves on it and i couldnt find anything so she told me 'to shove it up my ass' so i said thanks and went to kaylee's house and came home and ate chicken noodle soup. thats the end. alright, bedtime now.
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