I feel so depressed now. I didnt know that marburger was no longer being sold at giant eagle. i must conserve the last gallon i have. if any of you bastards try to come near it, you'll be missing a testicle or a teet. dont think i wont do it. i love my marburger. k now im done with that. well yesterday i had track and i got to work on my triple and long jumps. coons said that i am becoming better at both. that makes me happy because i really did suck at them. both of my legs still hurt tho b/c i have shin splints. plus my calves hurt but its from the same reason. well lately people that i have spoken to have had really weird dreams. or maybe its only me and olar. well lets hope that the only crazy people are the two of us. oh ya i just thought about it. i think we should start riots at giant eagle. go in and look for our precious ice tea and when we dont find it just start flipping out. and then just throw things off the shelves and run. well hey this weekend i might get out of the house, but i know that i'll end up screwing up the plans or everyone will be busy last minute. oh well lets all have our fingers crossed. im going to be late pickin up carey so i better go or she'll have my head.0 Comment(s)