today i went to yb. and it was boring but then again i got to sit on computers the whole time and be semi-1337. so i enjoyed myself. then i went to masons and we took apart his ps2 to fix it. It still doesnt work, but now it is able to read more discs than what it could before. so i sat at home today and did about 13 new pics in photoshop. i made 2 on my own without using a tutorial. im so proud of myself. then, i went bowlin later on with chris, pete, ian, mason, and ray. it was ok but at the end i couldnt throw the ball right and i just started to really suck at bowling. later, i went and ordered fries b/c i was hungry and i ran into the drunks. then masons mom came so i had to run back up and cancel the order. the drunks once again started screamin at me. it was really funny. well time for bed b/c im tired b/c of the long day.0 Comment(s)