Just to warn j00, this will be long, but fairly interesting.
Well, school wasn't as bad as it normally is. Although, I did have to retake the Havelka test (Which I'm pretty sure I failed....) but after the test we got to watch a movie on pre-WWII which wasn't too bad. Clark's class r0x0red my s0x today! We played "Hollywood squares" except it was like a really crappy form that turned out to be rather fun. Lunch was teh sux0rz. (As usual) Me and Chris plan to kick out teh bumpkins and other retards of the table. Mann's wasn't too bad. I felt smart with Laura (Spelled right?) infront of me, 'cause she didn't really understand the poems, but I got a pretty good grasp of what was goin' on. Oh! Gym actually dominated today... well kind of. That one senior kid... I forget his name. It's Jeramiah I think. Well anyways... he set me as goalie. I was a bit skeptic at first, but I actually did rather well. Everyone called me "Grue" by the end of the first two games. But the last game, my sped-team had sit down, and I had to stay in the goal, which was basically teh sux0rz. I made a couple fairly decent plays on the "Good" team. but I kicked UBER arse on my sped team. Well, when I got home, I practiced guitar for about 30-60 minutes, played some X-Box, and then went to guitar lessons. After guitar, I went to Scott's house for Survivor. And Colby got the boot!! W00T!!! After Survivor, I came home and watched CSI which was a good episode. Then, I tried to do some chem stuff, but I'm too damn stupid, so I gave up on that. And well, here I am now.
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