Well today was the Bayer meeting at my house. It seemed to go over well. I have to type some stuff up and then research a bit. I then went to get my hair cut. When signing in I noticed Pat's name 2 lines above mine. I was like "hot damn Pat said he was going to get his cut." After I was done, I called Pat, but he didn't answer. I then called Nate because usually Pat is with Nate. Nate said that they were sitting at Wendys. So I turned around and drove back. We sat and talked and then left. We went all went home, and then I drove over to Nate's. Nate got a call and I decided to leave. I went down to the Can Cans. It was quite fun. We just sat and watched tv mostly. Then I left and came home to get ready for another meeting tonight. I had to go to a school board meeting. It wasn't as bad as expected. I actually enjoyed it. Clint and I had to read some stuff to the board. That part wasn't fun, but it had to be done. I just got home. Now I am off to surf the information superhighway. Later.1 Comment(s)