Well I can't remember as far back as my last post. I know that you can read that date and do the math, but I just can't remember. Work honestly makes every day seem to blend into the next. It is probably the worst part about working in the summer. I never know what day it is or even the date for that matter. I hung out with Baker, Slean, and Krol the other night. The three ladies came over to chill for about an hour. I got to feed them, and then they left to watch the Real World. They suggested that we went to the drive-in. Since I was the only one with a senior license, I got to be the driver. Thank god that everyone is inconsiderate of the driver. I didn't find out until the last minute that people were going and what not. It was rough. Well we ended up going to the drive-in last night. It was really fun. I didn't get into bed until about 3 am. I also went to work this morning. I was so pissed that my work expects me to work full-time during the summer. When I eventually take off a day, the upper management gets all flustered. I really don't like my job. The people there are just ridiculous. I only like about two or three people there. In my mind, the rest can go and suck 'em. Well I am off to find something to do this evening.
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