Well New Years was quite a night. I went to Amanda's and spent the night. I taught Texas Hold 'Em once again. Well it wasn't that bad this time, since most of them learned the previous night. Then we played Apples to Apples. It was a really messed up game. The only way to win is to play illogically. I hate it so. I can't play a game like that. At midnight, we went outside and banged pots. The neighbors lit off fireworks. It wasn't that great, but my pot was the loudest so I felt really cool. Then we went back inside to play poker then watch Secret Window. By this time I was soo tired. I just rolled over told Amanda what I thought, then went to sleep. Some random drunk called Jess and woke us all up. At this point I got my power-nap in so I could not fall back asleep. We were up for so long after that. I don't we went to bed til about 6 or 7. I got up at 11 and had some breakfast. My dad came and got me at 12 and then we went to Wexford to look at new cars. I saw quite a few that I liked. Well we got home and I had nothing to do, so I called O and talked to her for a bit. I then spoke to Tomnay online and we both were bored so he came up with the idea of having a poker night. I thought since my mom and sis were out of town that we could have it here. So in the end we did. I got to set it all up and got to play Halo2 for a bit. Well Tomnay ended up winning. Yay for him. Well either I am going to bed soon or I am going to play more Halo2, but I am certainly not working on my Catcher Essay. I am thinking that Sunday night will be the appropriate time. Well cyah.
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