Well today was the Winter Assembly. Each year the Junior class is in charge of it. So today was one of the most stressful days ever. I believe that more could have been prepared to make sure that the assembly ran smoothly. Well only a few things went wrong. I would have liked to see more of an active participation of the student council, but what can you do? After having that assembly, I went and spoke to Cathy. I decided that I was not able to do A-Train anymore. I feel bad that I quit, because usually I don't quit at something. Oh well. Then I went home and left again to go to Panera with Jess Mann, Amanda T., and Mikulan. I had quite a good time. After lunch, Amanda and I went to Wal-mart to get her some yarn so that she could start knitting. Then Amanda took me home and I called Jess. I ended up talking to her for over an hour. I got tired and then took a nap. After the nap, I called Jess back and she said that she also fell asleep and we should go back out tonight. Well we ended up going to Starbucks with Amanda. Then the two of them came back to my house to watch some movies. It was such a joyous night. After speaking to a few friends, they said that the assembly went well. I am looking forward to making some changes in the future...
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